No Rehabilitation for Judas After All?
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
January 24, 2006
Reuters news service now reports that the Vatican is not considering a rehabilitation of Judas after all. The Times [London], one of the world’s most respected newspapers, had reported January 12 that the Vatican was proposing to reconsider Judas’ guilt in betraying Christ, suggesting that a “makeover” was in the works. [See my blog article of January 17, 2006 here.]
Now, Vatican sources — including some of the very same sources cited in The Times — say the whole idea is nonsense. “This news has no foundation,” said Walter Brandmueller, head of the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences. “I can’t imagine where this idea came from.”
I could not find any retraction in The Times, but someone has some explaining to do.
OTHER REACTIONS: “Ready to Rethink the Fink?” [The Toronto Star], Zenit [Rome].

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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