Just Like Jesus? Almost Unbelievable
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
November 14, 2005
The Lexington (KY) Herald-Leader relates an almost unbelievable account of a visit to Lexington by the national chaplain for Planned Parenthood. According to the paper, Planned Parenthood officials were shocked when very few ministers would agree to meet with the organization’s chaplain.
Most persons would undoubtedly be surprised to know that Planned Parenthood, one of the nation’s most pro-abortion organizations — and an group enthusiastic about teaching teenagers how to have “safe” and satisfying sex — would have a chaplain on staff. Who would take this job?
From the article: Hoping to show that it is not anti-Christian, Planned Parenthood’s Lexington affiliate is bringing the organization’s national chaplain to speak with area clergy this week. But so far, only a handful of religious leaders have agreed to meet with him. David Bowman, board chairman of Planned Parenthood of the Bluegrass, said it hasn’t been easy to spread the word about chaplain Ignacio Castuera’s visit.
“Most church organizations would not give me names and e-mail addresses for their clergy,” he said. “There were many organizations, both denominational and ecumenical, that didn’t want to get involved.” Castuera, a United Methodist minister from the Watts section of Los Angeles and the first Planned Parenthood national chaplain, wasn’t surprised.
“The closer Jesus got to the cross, the smaller the crowds got,” the chaplain said. “This is pretty close to the cross because people have to take derision, ostracism, all that.”
Come again? Castuera actually compares his ostracism to that experienced by Jesus as He was headed for the cross. This is obscene.
As for abortion, Castuera said: “It’s always a tragedy,” he said. “I don’t think it’s a sin.”
The fact that Castuera is an ordained United Methodist minister is a cause of concern to Methodist evangelicals. “I think it does reflect poorly on the church,” said James V. Heidinger II, President of Good News, an evangelical United Methodist group based near Lexington.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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