Scared Yet? Britons Seek Fetus-Derived Treatments
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
October 19, 2005
From The Independent [London]: Britons desperate to halt the ageing process are being injected with the stem cells of aborted foetuses at a clinic that charges £15,000 for a controversial new cosmetic treatment. Despite warnings from biologists in the UK that the process is unproven and could be harmful, dozens of British women have flown to Barbados in the hope that the injections will make them forever young – and possibly even boost their sex drive.
The treatment is also available in Ecuador, Russia and Ukraine, where it was developed by scientists to treat Parkinson’s disease and blood disorders. But converts claim that wrinkles can be ironed out and the fresh face of youth restored.
So, these Britons are flying around the world seeking “fountain-of-youth” treatments that use stem-cells derived for aborted human fetuses. The British are not alone, of course. Yet another firewall protecting human dignity is being undermined by wealthy persons willing to pay almost any price in hope of achieving youthful skin and an improved sex life.
Unborn human beings are being murdered in the womb and are then harvested for usable parts — organs, tissues, and cells. The Brave New World promises health and happiness through medical miracles — and the aborted fetus becomes a factory for therapeutic innovation. Are you scared yet?

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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