First Three-Person Civil Union in The Netherlands — As Predicted, Polygamy Follows Same-Sex Unions
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
September 29, 2005
Brussels Journal is reporting the formalization of the first three-person civil union in The Netherlands. Victor de Bruijn of Roosendaal (a 46-year old man) “married” two women, Bianca (31) and Mirjam (35).
The report: “I love both Bianca and Mirjam, so I am marrying them both,” Victor said. He had previously been married to Bianca. Two and a half years ago they met Mirjam Geven through an internet chatbox. Eight weeks later Mirjam deserted her husband and came to live with Victor and Bianca. After Mirjam’s divorce the threesome decided to marry.
Victor: “A marriage between three persons is not possible in the Netherlands, but a civil union is. We went to the notary in our marriage costume and exchanged rings. We consider this to be just an ordinary marriage.”
Asked by journalists to tell the secret of their peculiar relationship, Victor explained that there is no jealousy between them. “But this is because Mirjam and Bianca are bisexual. I think that with two heterosexual women it would be more difficult.” Victor stressed, however, that he is “a one hundred per cent heterosexual” and that a fourth person will not be allowed into the “marriage.” They want to take their marriage obligations seriously: “to be honest and open with each other and not philander.”
Almost a year ago, I wrote a commentary sparked by Jonathan Turley’s argument that polygamy should be legalized. Turley is a professor of law at George Washington University and a frequent commentator in the media. Turley made a direct connection between the redefinition of marriage for same-sex unions and the inevitability of polygamy.
An untranslated report from a Dutch newspaper can be found here: “Een Man Met Twee Bruiden,” at

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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