More Americans Living Alone
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
September 14, 2005
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that more Americans are living in single-person households. According to a report in the Associated Press, “the number of Americans living alone has exceeded the number of households comprised of the classic nuclear family: a married couple and their natural children.”
Thomas F. Coleman, executive director of Unmarried America, described as “an association that promotes the political interests of single people,” pointed to changing social norms as the main factor in this demographic development. “Self esteem isn’t based on having children and being married anymore,” he explained.
Here’s the Census Bureau’s press release for “Unmarried and Single Americans Week:” Note the political correctness reflected in this sentence: “The week is now widely observed during the third full week of September (Sept. 18-24 in 2005) as ‘Unmarried and Single Americans Week,’ an acknowledgment that many unmarried Americans do not identify with the word ‘single’ because they are parents, have partners or are widowed.”

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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