Update on New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
September 3, 2005
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has released information about its operations and plans for coming months. The seminary’s statement is found on its Web site [go here].
The seminary’s plans were detailed in an release published by Baptist Press on Friday. The first paragraphs of the release summarize the plan:
Despite the devastation on the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary campus, President Chuck Kelley said he plans for the main campus to be fully operational in August 2006 and is hopeful that some activities will be held on campus as early as January 2006.Extension center classes will continue as scheduled.”New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is here to stay and we are getting back to work,” Kelley said during a Sept. 1 meeting at the seminary’s Atlanta-area North Georgia Campus. “We will have a semester. We will have a December graduation.”
We are praying for our sister school and its many families. A relief fund has been established [go here for information]. See also the related Baptist Press release, “Seminaries Begin Mobilizing for Katrina Disaster Relief.”
This satellite image of the New Orleans area allows the viewer to navigate around the city. The images were taken on Monday morning, before the major flooding took place.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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