Coming Soon — Women Bishops for the Church of England
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
July 12, 2005
When the Church of England began ordaining women as priests back in 1994, ecclesiastical laws were put into place that prevented the election of a woman as bishop. As one Anglican friend told me at the time, the prohibition against women bishops was a concession made necessary at the time. Just wait, he told me, and you will see that as soon as there is a large number of women priests, the rule against women bishops will fall. Now, fully half of those studying to be priests are women. The total feminization of the Church of England is well underway.
BBC News now reports that the church’s governing body has just taken steps to remove the barriers to women bishops. As the report indicates, “The vote beginning ‘the process for removing the legal obstacles to the ordination of women’ came after a debate at the General Synod in York.” In reality, once the biblical pattern of ministry is compromised, further compromise is all but inevitable. As my friend understood, it’s only a matter of time.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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