They’re After The Minds of Our Children

They’re After The Minds of Our Children

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
June 27, 2005

As if parents didn’t have enough to worry about, a new children’s book is out, prompting controversy in several school districts and libraries. The book, written by Linda De Haan and illustrated by Stern Nijland, is entitled King & King, and it gives a whole new meaning to the concept of a fairy tale.
The story is about a prince, whose mother (the queen) is adamant that he must be married in order to ascend to the throne. Presented with a succession of princesses, the prince is unmoved. Then, after much frustration (and sexual orientation confusion) the prince falls in love at first sight — with another prince.
“At last, the prince felt a stir in his heart. It was love at first sight,” the text reads. The wedding of the princes “was very special,” we are told. “The queen even shed a tear or two.” The book concludes with this: “The two princes are now known as King and King, the queen finally has some time for herself, and everyone lives happily ever after.”
The Web site of Ten Speed Press indicates that the publisher has also released a sequel to the book entitled King & King & Family. The publisher’s statement reads: “Join newlyweds King Lee and King Bertie on their journey into the noisy jungle. The kings are greeted by wild animal families, but the royal travelers suspect that something more significant awaits them in the trees. King & King soon discover that there’s no adventure more wonderful than starting a family of their own.”
It’s parents — and all who share concern about our children as the focus of a moral revolution — who will shed a tear or two when confronted with these books. Reviewing King & King for the Web site, Lesbian Life, Kathy Beige writes: “This colorful children’s book takes on a surprising twist, when the prince falls for another prince. The art is bold and bright, a mix of collage and watercolor, sure to capture a child’s imagination. Same-sex headed families will delight in a storybook that speaks to their families. King & King is also a good book for any family that wishes to show their children the diversity of human experience. The same-sex attraction is normalized. There’s no proselytizing, no big lesson. It just is.”
That just about says it all. It just is.
LINK & LINK: Readership Limited on Children’s Book, University Chronicle; Gay-Themed Books on the Rise, CBN News.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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