An Interesting Turn in the Episcopal Crisis
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
June 11, 2005
The Church of England Newspaper reports that bishops of the Episcoal Church, USA will meet next month in an unprecedented conference. The issue of homosexuality — most recently broght to the point of crisis by the election of an openly-gay bishop — may be the catalyst for a division of the church.
Here’s how the article opens: “American bishops will meet for a critical summit next month to discuss ways that the Episcopal Church’s assets can be divided up amongst liberals and conservatives if they are unable to reach a way forward together. A group of bishops will gather in Los Angeles, with options on the table ranging from vows of continued episcopal bonhomie, to a trial separation, to a division and distribution of the Church’s assets. A cross-section of liberal and conservative bishops hopes to ‘sort out the complicated relationship between parishes and dioceses and properties,’ one southern bishop said.”
More: “The genesis for the settlement meeting arose from discussion among the members of the cross-party coalition that put together the “House of Bishops’ Covenant” which pledged to halt the consecration of all bishops — not just homosexual ones — in deference to the recommendations of the Windsor Report. . . . Conservative activist, Canon David Anderson of the American Anglican Council, questioned the propriety of a bishops-only meeting but agreed something needed to be done. “There is a pressing need for open and honest conversation about irreconcilable differences in the Episcopal Church. Whether the meeting would be genuine or duplicitous, only time will tell.'”
SEE: American Bishops in Final Bid to Resolve Differences, The Church of England Newspaper, June 10, 2005.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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