Canada’s New Prime Minister: Mark Carney Will Take Over in Place of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada
President Trump is Raising Legitimate Concerns About Canada – But as Legitimate as Those Concerns Are, Americans Should Be Thankful for Our Neighbors to the North
Crime, Punishment, and a Firing Squad: The Demand of Justice Falls on Murderer in South Carolina
Politics, Partisanship, and Performance Art in a Social Media Age: President Trump’s Historic Joint Address to Congress
Neon Tape, a Padlock, and a Little Library: 4 College Students in California Turn a A Little Library into Performance Art over Book Bans – Book Bans That Don’t Even Exist
The Culture of Death Scores Again: Biden Administration Removes Hyde Amendment from Proposed Federal Budget
There’s No Removing the Stigma Surrounding Abortion, No Matter How Much Abortion Activists Try. . . And President Biden Knows It (That’s Why He Hasn’t Used the Word Since Entering the White House)
Totalitarian Ideology Combined with Lifestyle Liberalism — What’s Behind the New “Three Child” Policy in China
“A Thicket of Ethical Issues” Surround New Policy on Experimentation on Human Embryos: How Far Will Humans Dare to Go in the Name of Science?
The Vast Cultural Conspiracy Against Reality: USA Today Makes News by Deeming the Word “Male” as “Hurtful Language”
The Sobering Memories of Memorial Day: A People Who Does Not Honor Those Who Died for Liberty Does Not Deserve That Liberty
Huge News about the Origins of COVID-19: The Question of the Virus is Now Officially an Assignment of National Intelligence Services
There’s No Such Thing as a Neutral Worldview: Why You Can’t Take the Theology Out of Science, or Politics, or Economics, or Anything
The Speech That Didn’t Happen: Big Worldview Issues Surround the Fact that President Biden Didn’t Speak at Notre Dame’s Commencement
It’s Hard to Stay on the Cutting Edge on the Left: NYC Pride Bans Gay Officers Action League from Pride Month Gatherings
John Cena Apologizes to China, in Mandated Mandarin Chinese: Why Do Major Culture-Making Institutions Continue to Surrender to the Repressive, Autocratic Chinese Regime?
What Do Our Buildings Say About Us? What's Really Behind the Brutal Political Upheaval at the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
A Threat to the International Order: Belarusian President Lukashenko, Known as “Europe’s Last Dictator,” Forces Down a Civilian Flight
Are There Any Conservatives Left in the Newsroom? The Mainstream Media Is Dominated by the Far Left
Major Matters of Morality Raised by Headlines about the Media in Recent Days: Big Controversies in Chicago, New York, and London
Will America’s Worldview Divide Change Our National Map? Five Counties in Eastern Oregon Want to Join “Greater Idaho”
Is the Sport of Cycling Infected with Pervasive “Whiteness”? The Endless Analysis and Unceasing Critique of Theory
Should Tim Tebow Give the Job Back? The Christian Way of Faithfulness Is Not Helped by This Kind of Analysis
Dealing with Alienation and Authenticity in a Broken World: Real Problems Misdiagnosed and Mistreated by a Secular Worldview
Lego Commercializes the Moral Revolution by Introducing LGBTQ Set: We All Need Affirmation, But Where Can We Truly Find It?
Where Should We Look to Find Our True Selves? What is “My Truth?” — Demi Lovato Announces New Self-Identification as Nonbinary
What’s Missing in American Religion? The Huge Story Behind the Missing “Middle” in American Religion, Especially in American Judaism
There’s No Middle Ground Between Belief and Unbelief: How the Pressures of the Secular Age Have Basically Eliminated Casual Religious Belief Among Young Adults
Richard Rubenstein, Major Jewish Theologian and Proponent of the “Death of God” Movement, Dies at 97
Conflict in the Middle East: How Should Christians Think About the Violence Between Israel and Hamas?
A Changing Political Environment in the United States Over the Nation of Israel? Irreconcilable Ideological Claims Evident in American Political Dialogue
Big Good News for the Pro-Life Movement: Supreme Court Announces It Will Hear Important Abortion Case from Mississippi