Canada’s New Prime Minister: Mark Carney Will Take Over in Place of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada
President Trump is Raising Legitimate Concerns About Canada – But as Legitimate as Those Concerns Are, Americans Should Be Thankful for Our Neighbors to the North
Crime, Punishment, and a Firing Squad: The Demand of Justice Falls on Murderer in South Carolina
Politics, Partisanship, and Performance Art in a Social Media Age: President Trump’s Historic Joint Address to Congress
Neon Tape, a Padlock, and a Little Library: 4 College Students in California Turn a A Little Library into Performance Art over Book Bans – Book Bans That Don’t Even Exist
Looking Beyond the Sensational Headlines: How Should Christians Think About the New Climate Report?
Human Existence Is Not the Problem: A Deadly Confusion Marks the Secular Worldview
The Underlying Moral Issue of the Infrastructure Bill: The Government Intends to Spend Money It Does Not Have, Borrowed From Those It Cannot Repay — That is Always Wrong
The High Velocity Fall of Andrew Cuomo Brings His Political Career to an End As He Resigns in Disgrace as Governor of New York. Not Even His Own Party Can (Or Wants To) Save Him Now
Political Self-Defense Masquerades Apology — A Close Look at Andrew Cuomo’s Resignation Speech: What’s Missing?
Mandatory Military Draft Registration for Women? A Country That Will Conscript Its Wives and Daughters to War is a Country at War with Nature Itself
Horrifying Report Finds Millions of U.S. Government Dollars Used for the Harvest of Fetal Parts for Research
What is the Value of the Pre-Born Baby? In the Pro-Abortion View, Basically Nothing. The Christian Worldview, However, Is a Radical Contradiction to the Culture of Death
Recall the Governor? September 14th Might Bring Big Changes in California—And Every Governor Had Better Pay Attention
Is Marriage Just a Sexist Institution? The Modern Revolt Against Marriage Doesn't Lead to Liberation — Quite the Opposite
The Modern Age Pushes to 'De-Gender' Weddings? Civilization's Survival Depends On God's Creation of 'Male' and 'Female' — And Our Respect for God's Plan
Germany's Prosecution of a 100 Year Old Former Nazi Guard Underlines the Moral Mandate of God's Justice, in This Life and the One to Come
Paganism Is The Most LGBTQ+ Religious Identity in US: Why That Should Not Be a Surprise
How Did Evangelicals Become More Pro-Life? The Bible Can Answer for That
"We Materialists Cannot Allow A Divine Foot in the Door": The Obituaries of Two Scientists Make Clear that Theology Matters—Even Among Unbelievers
Government by Whatever You Can Get Away With? Democrats Push for (and Get) a CDC Order that is Almost Certainly Unconstitutional
Defecting Belarus Sprinter Reminds Us of the Preciousness of Liberty and the Fragility of Freedom
French Teenagers Love Culture! French Government Inadvertently Boosts Country’s Comic Book Sales in the Name of Introducing Young People to Culture
He Must Go: A Devastating Report from NY Attorney General Pulls No Punches, New York’s Governor is a National Embarrassment
A Dynasty Undone: From Mario Cuomo To the Machiavellian Raw Politics and Immorality of Andrew Cuomo
The Current Political Context of the Democratic Party: The Overwhelming Evidence Against Cuomo Turns This Into A Problem With Only One Solution
The Looming Crisis of Conscience: U.S. Congress Threatens Complicity in Abortion, Both Nationally and Internationally, For Every American Taxpayer
Not So Devout After All: Nancy Pelosi’s Pro-Abortion Argument for Repealing the Hyde Amendment Prompts Blistering Response from Her Bishop
Elections Have Consequences: Biden Appoints Lesbian Rabbi to to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Major Worldview Issues in Olympic Headlines: First Openly Transgender Athlete To Compete in Women’s Weightlifting in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games—Creating a Crisis
The Collision of Reality Comes to the Olympics: The Destabilization of Morality, Sexuality and Gender as the LGBTQ Revolution Creates an ‘Existential Question About What It Means to Be Female’
No More Ladies and Gentlemen: Gender Revolution Takes to the Skies as German Airline Adopts Gender Neutral Language to Subvert the ‘Gender Binary’
The Supreme Court Dodged the Transgender Question Again, But It Cannot Avoid the Issue Forever — And It's a Problem of Its Own Making
California’s Game of Virtue Signaling and Moral Coercion: CA Bans State-Funded Travel to 5 More States—Now 17 Total—Because of LGBTQ-Related Policies
The Destruction of the English Language Continues: The F.A.A. Recommends That All Aviation Terminology Be Gender-Neutral