Gov. Gavin Newsom Drops a Bombshell: Liberal Governor of California Suddenly Says Male Participation in Female Sports is Unfair
How Do I Put the Sin of Emotional Infidelity to Death? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Would You Elaborate on the Difference Between Empathy and Compassion? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Politics, Partisanship, and Performance Art in a Social Media Age: President Trump’s Historic Joint Address to Congress
Neon Tape, a Padlock, and a Little Library: 4 College Students in California Turn a A Little Library into Performance Art over Book Bans – Book Bans That Don’t Even Exist
The Pro-Abortion Gauntlet Marches On — Biden Administration Reverses Trump Policy and Gives Planned Parenthood What it Demands
Religious Quest Evident As Elon Musk and Other Technocrats Join The ‘Simulation Argument’ — What Are the Odds We Are Living In A Computer Simulation?
Out with Easter and Christmas Terms: Modern Cult of Wokeness on Display As School In Oxford Secularizes Its Calendar in the Name of Sensitivity
New Bipartisan Alarm Over Facebook and its Dangers — Secrets Revealed and Investigations Gain Momentum
The Most Serious Danger of Facebook: Instagram’s Negative Effects On Teenage and Young Adult Mental Health — Facebook Knows the Extent of the Problem, But Can’t Do Without Your Kids
So, What Is the Christian Responsibility — But Human Dignity Is At Stake Of The Social Media Crisis
What’s Really at Stake in the Democratic Party Battle Over Spending? It’s a Lot More Than You Might Think
“Biden Throws in With the Left” — What’s the Vision Behind the “Progressives” Now in the Democratic Party Driver’s Seat?
Banned Books Week, the Battle of Ideas — Normalizing the LGBTQ Revolution is the Aim
U. S. Controversy Over Abortion Heats Up As House Panel in Washington Hears Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Testimonies and a Federal Court Considers the Texas Abortion Bill
Logic of the Culture of Death In Mexico As Elites Pressure Popular Culture To Present Abortion As A ‘Right’ And A ‘Choice’
Abortion in China: As Totalitarian Seeks to Restrict Abortion, It Shows that Anti-Abortion Does Not Always Mean Pro-Life
Pronoun Police Come for God— But God Reveals Himself as Father, and He Likes His Name
Is a Morality of Harm the Only Morality that Matters? — Dr. Mohler Opens The Mailbox and Responds to Letters from Listeners
Is the Term ‘Common Grace’ Theologically Wrong? — Dr. Mohler Opens The Mailbox and Responds to Letters from Listeners
ACLU Changes Ruth Bader Ginsberg Quote To Include Gender-Neutral Language — Less Than One Year After Her Death, Is RBG Already ‘On the Wrong Side of History?’
‘It Was Not A Mistake Without A Thought’: Even As ACLU Apologizes, The Left Rethinks Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Second Wave Feminism in Light of LGBTQ Issues
Getting Rid of ‘Balanced’ News Coverage: GLAAD Calls for Silencing Voices That Counter LGBTQ Movement
An Historic Federal Election in Germany: Why Should it Matter in America? What Is at Stake?
The Ghosts of History and the Future of Germany: Great Power Politics and Looming Worldview Issues
Sorry, Liz, You Were Right the First Time — Rep. Liz Cheney Says She is “Sorry” for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
Virtue Signaling Of the Pro-Abortion Message—Democrats in Congress and White House Move to Legislate Roe v. Wade
War of Polls and the War of Politics: Popularity Poll Of Supreme Court Justices Highlights Unrelenting Support of Abortion By Any Means Necessary
Why the Briefing? What Does “Augustinian” Mean? Doctors Compelled to Perform Abortions? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners