The Share of Christians in the U.S. Has Stabilized? – Pew Releases Updated Findings of Its Religious Landscape Study
Religious People Trend Toward Conservatism: Pew Research Center Affirms Influence of Theology on Political Beliefs
Can Christians Retain Their Own Young People? Christians Face a Big Challenge in a Highly Secular Society That is Capturing More and More Young People
‘You Cannot Defy Creation Without Tremendous Cost to the Creature’: Medical Authorities Question Use of Puberty Blockers for ‘Transgender’ Youth
The Research on Damage of Hormone Therapy for Minors Is Not New, So Why is the Medical Establishment Just Now Acknowledging It?
‘I Wish There Had Been More Questions’: The Problem of the Morality of Harm
1 Out of 8 Americans Have Been Given Prescriptions for Antidepressants — Are We Really at the Point Where the Modern Age Just Equals Depression?
‘Puppies on Prozac and Cats on CBD’ : Evidently Our Pets Are Now as Anxious as We Are
Why Is It Okay to Euthanize Our Sickly Pet But Never Right to Euthanize People? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from Young Listener of The Briefing
Twelve Republicans Voted in Favor in Respect for Marriage Act — But Redefining Marriage Is Profoundly Not Conservative
New Congressional Leadership Comes Into View: Why Does This Matter and Why Is the Road Ahead So Troubled?
Mass Cultural Confusion, Government Failure, and a Gospel Opportunity for the Church: Encouragement for Christians in a Society of Moral Revolt
These Elections Matters Massively But You Have No Vote: Who Will Become Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, and President Pro Tempore?
The Mormon Church Comes Out in Official Support of the Respect for Marriage Act — Big Theological Issues Are in Play Here, and History, Too
The Epimenides Paradox Arises Anew as the Two Most Powerful Spies in the World Meet Together — And That’s No Lie
No Genuine Conservative Can Support This: The U.S. Senate to Vote on So-Called ‘Respect for Marriage’ Act to Codify Same-Sex Marriage as Law of the Land
A Direct Assault on Religious Liberty: The So-Called ‘Respect for Marriage’ Act — We Need to Take Names on Who Is Behind Republican Moral Relativism
Be Fruitful and Multiply…Or Else: World Population Reaches 8 Billion People — Is It a Good Thing or a Cause for Concern?
Barely a Red Ripple? Democrats Claim Thin Majority in the Senate. We Await Further Word on House Races
Go Figure: New Research Shows Married Couples Have Greater Financial Wealth Than Cohabiting Couples — And Sociologists are Scratching Their Heads as to Why
‘Republicans Traded the Election of 2022 for a Generational Goal’: The Reversal of Roe. Was It Worth It?
In Historic Turn, Benjamin Netanyahu to Lead Israel Again: What Does Bibi’s Return to Power Mean for Israel?
Why Do You Consider Salvation By Grace Alone an Essential Doctrine? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
If Marriage is Supposed to Be a Monogamous Relationship Between a Man and a Woman, Why Did Many of the Old Testament Patriarchs Practice Polygamy? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
The Red Wave That Did Not Happen: What Caused the Taming of the Projected Republican Tsunami?
An Abject Tragedy and Unmitigated Moral Failure: Citizens in Several States Vote Overwhelmingly in Support of Abortion Rights
History Is Often Much Closer Than We Think — An Obituary of the (Thought to Be) Last Child of an Enslaved Person Reminds Us of That Fact
So, Do Voting Patterns Change with the Weather? You Probably Guessed that Political Strategists Have an Answer for That
The Greater the Opportunity for Mischief, The Greater Likelihood Mischief Might Happen and Suspicions Will Rise: On Preserving the Integrity of Voting (and Counting Votes) on Election Day
Another Casualty of COVID? The Weakening of American Confidence in the Political Process in a Post-Pandemic World?