We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
Oregon Gov. Kotek Declares March 10 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day: The Culture of Death is Paraded from the Governor’s Office
Swerve leftward of Democrat party away from centrism exposes disappearing middle ground in American politics
Election of gay married priest, Christmas parishes expose confusion of gospel mission in Church of England
Gallup no longer polling 2016 election, as predicting voters considered too unreliable
California bill undermining liberty of crisis pregnancy centers, requiring abortion promotion signed
Journalist attempts to place responsibility of sex ed on schools, not parents, for sake of moral agenda
Secretary of Education resignation reminder of political nature of national education agenda