Age-Verification for Pornography Goes Before SCOTUS: SCOTUS Hears Consequential Oral Arguments on Texas Porn Case – What Wasn’t Said is Just as Important as What Was Said
Limiting Porn Access is a Major Parental Responsibility: Christian Parents, We Cannot Entrust the Government to Limit Porn Access in Our Families
What Comfort is There for the Christian When an Unsaved Loved One Dies? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Swerve leftward of Democrat party away from centrism exposes disappearing middle ground in American politics
Election of gay married priest, Christmas parishes expose confusion of gospel mission in Church of England
Gallup no longer polling 2016 election, as predicting voters considered too unreliable
California bill undermining liberty of crisis pregnancy centers, requiring abortion promotion signed
Journalist attempts to place responsibility of sex ed on schools, not parents, for sake of moral agenda
Secretary of Education resignation reminder of political nature of national education agenda