To Preserve, to Protect, and to Defend the Constitution: Today is Inauguration Day in the United States
The Historic Legacy of Joe Biden: Joe Biden’s Long Political Career Beginning as Senator in 1972 and Ending as President in 2025
Controversial Decisions and Cognitive Decline: President Biden’s Final Months in Office
Age-Verification for Pornography Goes Before SCOTUS: SCOTUS Hears Consequential Oral Arguments on Texas Porn Case – What Wasn’t Said is Just as Important as What Was Said
Limiting Porn Access is a Major Parental Responsibility: Christian Parents, We Cannot Entrust the Government to Limit Porn Access in Our Families
What we know, what we don't know, and why both matter: Crisis of credibility at the White House
Is refusing to print gay pride t-shirts discrimination? KY appeals court says no; but will it stand?
How many Americans believe the Bible is the literal word of God? Parsing data from a new Gallup poll
Christian governor jailed on charges of blasphemy in predominately Muslim Indonesia
When religious liberty is a matter of life and death: Record number of Christians fleeing Middle East
Evacuating the center: Labour Party releases radically left-wing manifesto ahead of Britain's election
"Ransomware" cyber attack affecting over 150 countries stopped by 22 year old surfer—at least for now
Days after winning the election, Emmanuel Macron inaugurated as President of France
Mormons sever longstanding relationship with Boy Scouts following pattern of rapid liberalization
We can't escape nature: Tennessee judge grants lesbian rights of "husband" in same-sex divorce
Will the US military ever be able to write transgender policy that satisfies gender revolutionaries?
Historically, LGBT activists were against the US Census collecting LGBT data. Why are they for it now?
Cognitive dissonance in the NYT: Defending a woman's right to abortion & the disabled's right to life
Scouting story #1: If Boy Scouts admit girls who identity as girls, does "Boy" mean anything anymore?
Scouting story #2: As Girl Scouts march ideologically leftward, many Christian groups are cutting ties