Trump Says Tariffs are a ‘Big, Beautiful Word’ – But What’s Behind His Push for Tariffs? Do They Help the U.S.?
Who Will Win the Tariff War? President Trump is Banking on the U.S. to Be Able to Wait Out Other Governments in a Tariff War
Diocletian and Price Control in Croatia: The Retirement of a Roman Emperor and the Price Control Policy That Didn’t Last
We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
COVID-19 Reaches the Oval Office—What Does President Trump’s Illness Mean for the Nation?
The Clock Is Ticking: The Timely Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in Spotlight as Three Republican Senators Test Positive for COVID-19
A Sex Scandal and a Positive COVID-19 Result: A Big Test Facing the Voters of North Carolina
The Age of the Pseudo-Event—It’s “Banned Books Week” Again
Threats to Religious Liberty Around the Globe: Secretary Pompeo Challenges Vatican’s Relationship with China as Communist Repression and “Cultural Genocide” Continue
A Pseudo-Event That’s Fun For All . . . Especially the Bears: It’s Fat Bear Week in Alaska’s Katmai National Park
The World Turned Upside Down: The “Inclusive”—And Incoherent—Sexual Revolution Comes to Japan Airlines
Despite Proposals Under Theresa May’s Government, the UK Won’t Move Forward with Allowing Individuals to Self-Identify Gender
The Inevitable Collision of Transgender Ideology and Feminism: Feminists Speak Out Against Gender Dysphoria Harming Women
One “Debate” Down, Two to Go: Takeaways from Last Night’s Presidential Debate—If You Can Call It That
Why Do Religiously Unaffiliated People Tend to Be Further Left Than Those Who Identify as Religious? A Theological Blockbuster from the Pew Research Center
Danish Adults Disrobing on a Children’s Television Program? Nakedness and Covering in the Biblical Worldview
What’s at Stake in Tonight’s First Presidential Debate? The Final Sprint Toward November 3 Begins Tonight
Do Presidential Debates Really Matter on Election Day? From Kennedy v. Nixon to Reagan v. Mondale, and On to the Present, There’s a Fascinating Story Behind These Contests
“The Science” Says This, That, and the Other: As Many Point to “The Science” as Final Authority, Christians Must Remember the Proper Bounds of Scientific Knowledge
President Trump Nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Serve on the United States Supreme Court—What Her Nomination Means for the Court
A Game-Changer for the Highest Court: Barrett’s Appointment Would Shift the Court’s Balance and Change History
Pro-Abortion Advocates Fear the Future of Roe v. Wade as Barrett Is Nominated to Replace Ginsburg: And an Honest Admission about So-Called “Abortion Rights” from the Left
We’re All Pauline Kael Now? America’s Deep Political Divide Is Also a Personal Divide
From Deep Red to Purple to Deep Blue: Why Neither Biden or Trump is Spending Campaign Cash or Calendar in Virginia
What Happened? After 90 Years of Endorsing Republican Presidential Candidates, The Los Angeles Times Only Endorses Democratic Presidential Candidates Now
Two Theses That Are (Almost ) Always True: Everyone Is a Single Issue Voter and No One Is a Single Issue Voter — Abortion and the 2020 Election
Evangelicals Are “Medieval in the Worst Sense”? What in the World Does This Even Mean?
What Does the World Think of Christians? Well, At Least We Know What Le Monde Diplomatique Thinks of Evangelicals
There’s Cultural Pushback to Gender Reveal Parties— But It’s Not Just About Wildfires. It’s About Rejecting the Gender Binary
“Gender-Creative” Parenting as a Sign of Our Times
A Word to Christians: It’s Not Enough to Reject Modern Gender Insanity. We Are Called to Rejoice in God’s Good Creation of Human Beings as Male and Female