1) American foreign policy: speak loudly and carry very little at all Egypt braces for more violence after deadly week, USA Today (Sarah Lynch) Thrust Into Nonstop Turmoil, an Obama Adviser Counsels Pragmatism, New York Times (Mark Landler) ...
1) Responding to Time cover story: Can we "have it all" without having children? Having it all without having children, Time (Lauren Sandler) America's Coming Demographic Disaster, Thinking in Public (Dr. Mohler and Jonathan Last) 2) Digital ...
1. Embassies shut down in response to al Qaeda threats France to Shut down Embassy in Yemen, Wall Street Journal U.S. Issues Global Travel Alert Over Al-Qaeda Threat, USA Today (Natalie DiBlasio) 2. Secular world baffled by In-N-Out, Hobby ...
1. Women are now the primary breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the family breadwinners, report says, The Washington Post (Brigid Schulte) 2. Young adults delaying marriage due to student loan debt ...
Back in the nineteenth century, the British people were introduced to a fairy tale about "water babies" through a story written by Rev. Charles Kingsley. The water babies entered folklore, and generations of British children imagined the water babies ...
For almost forty years, Ms. magazine has been the most famous voice of the feminist movement in print. Co-founded by Gloria Steinem in 1972, the magazine is stalwartly feminist, retaining the language and spirit of the feminism of the 1970s. In other ...
Row over Amazon sales of paedophile advice guide... Mother Madness... Proficiency of Black Students is found to be far lower than expected... Repeal of Policy on Gay Service in Military faces struggle... And Ads, Politics blur media lines ...
A Jewish perspective on homosexuality... Talking to children about God... Defections from the Church of England begin... China bars Christians from a conference... From boys to men in advertising... And a milestone in motherhood passes ...
"We've arrived at another crossroads," declares Newsweek -- and this one represents a crisis for masculinity. As the magazine's current cover story asserts, "The prevailing codes of manhood have yet to adjust to the changing demands on men." With thi ...
Secularism in Europe... Religion in Politics... Why the Public Schools can't be fixed... Why the United Nations flirt with Abortion... Why some Married Couples say I Do..Again... And why some Women think they are Priests ...