Here is what we know: Thursday, March 30, 2023, will be one of those dates etched into the history of our nation. Leaked information from Manhattan, instantly broadcast by major news networks and newspapers, indicated that a New York grand jury had v ...
“In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus told His disciples. Christians know this to be true, but sometimes the trouble seems more than believers can bear. On Monday, horrifying trouble came to The Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., where an as ...
Go back half a century and the most established church of the Protestant establishment was, without question, the Episcopal Church. Never massive in numbers, that historic denomination sat atop the so-called “seven sisters” of the old Protestant main ...
Our society is growing increasingly secular and increasingly hostile to Christian conviction. Anyone who doubts that mounting hostility should look to Arizona, where one of the state’s largest public school districts has just voted to show student te ...