
Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Summer Reading: Books Fit For the Season

The arrival of summer brings family vacations, time at the pool, and a chance to read books!  This is a good opportunity to enjoy biographies, think critically, and exercise worldview analysis while reading.  Earlier this week, Dr. Mohler released hi ...

June 4, 2010

Homosexuality and the Military — What’s Really at Stake?

Get ready. Big changes are coming to the United States military. Congress seems poised to pass legislation that would call for the elimination of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy put in place in 1993. With the support of the Obama admini ...

June 4, 2010

Gays in the Military: A New World?

As the Congress considers the repeal of the Military policy known as Don't Ask Don't Tell, the United States faces a major cultural moment.  If the repeal passes, it will certainly mark a major shift in American culture.  On today's program, Dr. Mohl ...

June 3, 2010

Our Children and Money

A recent New York Times article reveals that parents are concerned their children are not ready to launch out of the home and into the real world.  As children approach the day when they are no longer financially supported by their parents, they are ...

June 1, 2010

Summer Reading — Books Fit for the Season

Readers are a hopeful lot. Ask most serious readers what they intend to read over the next month, and you are likely to hear a considerable list. Books stack easily in more ways than one. The stack of books to be read beside the desk or reading chair ...

June 1, 2010

Ministering To Our Military: How The Church Can Serve Those Who Defend Us

All too often churches are unsure of how to serve and minister to military families in their midst. Many of us simply don’t understand what it is like to have a spouse or parent deployed. On today’s program, Dr. Mohler welcomes retired Lt. Gen. Pat C ...

May 31, 2010

Are Parents Surrendering Control?

An 8-year-old yells at his father trying to make him put his coat on, calling him a "control-freak."  The New York Times cover story from May 23, 2010, "Every Hug, Every Fuss" documents this conversation recorded by researchers from the UCLA, who hav ...

May 28, 2010

A Black Cat in a Dark Room — Are Theologians Really Saying Anything?

Terry Sanderson is president of Britain's National Secular Society, so it is hardly news that he has little time for the efforts of theologians. Writing in The Guardian [London], Sanderson dismisses theology as a form of knowledge. Theologians may ta ...

May 28, 2010

Why Do People Do Stupid Things?

While the question may seem a bit odd, the daily newspaper provides indisputable evidence that people do stupid things.  From lying about their past military service to adulterous affairs, human beings do stupid things because human beings are sinner ...

May 27, 2010

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