The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...
A quick look at the American Religious Scene reveals the integral role denominations continue to play. Ranging from the most liberal to the most conservative, denominations are an inescapable part of the work and mission of churches. On today's progr ...
Elisabeth Badinter recently published a new book that has swept across France: Le conflit la femme et la mere. Translated as "Conflict: The Woman and The Mother," the book makes the argument that the greatest impediment to the advance of feminism is ...
The leftward march of liberal Protestantism is hardly news, but on occasion a development arises that serves as something of a parable of that trajectory. Such is the case this week with news from California that the Claremont School of Theology, a s ...
Dr. Jerry Campbell, President of the Claremont School of Theology, recently announced that his United Methodist school will begin including Jewish and Muslim curriculum and students in order to prepare the next generation of ministers for the realiti ...
The news rushes at us fast and furiously, as do so many worthy articles, books, and essays that call out for attention. Some of these items clearly deserve a closer look. What follows is a briefing of writings that should not escape your review. You ...
Just when you think that every imaginable dimension of the great tragedy of abortion has come to light, along comes a report that will stop you dead in your tracks. One of the most respected British newspapers has just revealed that approximately 80 ...
A recent editorial in The Times of London reveals that an increasing number of women are seeking abortions after they become pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). The fact that many women are having abortions after undergoing such extensive ...
The announcement that Al and Tipper Gore are separating after forty years of marriage has captured the attention of the American public to a rather surprising degree. After all, divorce is hardly uncommon these days, and the Gores are famously part o ...
The recent announcement of Al and Tipper Gore's separation brought to light the culture's confusion about marriage. Several opinion columns have been written that not only argue away the necessity of staying together long term but also celebrate tho ...