The third great movement in the Christian metanarrative begins with the affirmation that God’s purpose from the beginning was to redeem a people through the blood of his Son –- and that he does this in order to show the excellence of his name through ...
Boomers, be grouchy... French TV Journalist Accused of Plagiarism... Assassination deepens divide in Pakistan... A Changing Census Tilts Toward the GOP... Skin Care Products Strike It Big in China - for Men... Poll: Best shot at success is pinned on ...
Our experience of the world requires us to perceive that things are not as they should be. We do not experience the world of unblemished blessedness that is revealed in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis. To the contrary, we experience a w ...
Pakistani Politician's Alleged Murderer Shown Support by Islamic Hard-Liners... 'Crisis Brings Us All Together'... A Brave Man Killed... GOP takes charge: New Speaker Boehner leads House... Publisher Tinkers With Twain... The Commuter Congress Could ...
The concept of retirement is rather recent in origins. Most historians trace the concept back to Germany's "Iron Chancellor," Otto von Bismarck, who pushed through a series of social changes in the late 19th century. Among those changes was a system ...
No Buzzing Little Fly Why the Creation Evolution Debate is so Important... The Deadly Logic of Anti-Blasphemy Laws... Navy Captain Loses Carrier Job Over Raunchy Videos... Getting Over Our Two-Year Itch... Tablets and Televisions Set to Dominate a Co ...
The folks at BioLogos ended the year 2010 by declaring "The Dawning of a New Day." Darrel Falk, president of The BioLogos Foundation, wrote with both passion and anticipation as he reviewed the past year and the impact of BioLogos on the evangelic ...
Navy Captain is Investigated Over Videos... Will Carter Finally Defeat Guinea Worm... After Bombing, Egypt's Christians Worship and Worry... And Martyr's in a Modern World ...
Christians -- especially those enjoying the safety of the West -- often think of martyrdom as a part of the distant Christian past. But a recent barrage of headlines dispels that notion in a hurry. Over the past several weeks, Christians in Iraq suff ...
Meet the Twiblings... How not to Fight Atheism... Thais look to the Supernatural... And D.C.'s broken families should be Mayor Gray's priority ...