1. Hiding behind "Science" - The Emergency Contraception Controversy Sneering at Parents, Hiding Behind “Science” — The Emergency Contraception Controversy, AlbertMohler.com (Dr. Albert Mohler)Prude or prudent? The debate over access to Plan B, Wash ...
1. Another New England state legalizes gay marriage - a reminder of the difference geography makes Delaware, Continuing a Trend, Becomes the 11th State to Allow Same-Sex Unions, The New York Times (Erik Eckholm)The Middle Man, The New Yorker (Ryan L ...
Looking for evidence that our society is losing its mind? Just look at the controversy over so-called "emergency contraceptives" and a federal judge's effort to make these drugs available, over the counter, to girls of any age. Last month, Judge E ...
1. Relief in Cleveland reminder of global sex slavery problem Three Women Reunited with Families After Years of Captivity CNN (Michael Pearson and Martin Savidge) Reports of sexual abuse, beatings inside the Cleveland house, USA Today (Yamiche Alci ...
1. The new reality of terror: homemade and homegrown A Homemade Style of Terror: Jihadists Push New Tactics, New York Times (Scott Shane) 2. There is a fix for the brain altering effects of pornography: stop viewing porn Online Pornography's ...
1. Undistilled arrogance and horrible confusion defending unrestricted access to Plan B pill Putting Politics Ahead of Science, New York Times (Editorial) U.S. to Defend Age Limits on Morning-After Pill Sales, New York Times (Pam Belluck and Mi ...
1. More people die from suicide than car accidents Suicide Rate Rise Sharply in US, New York Times (Tara Parker-Pope) 2. Sharp rise in single motherhood recognizes statistics, but ignores morality Single motherhood in U.S. increases sharply, ...
1. In Boston, the gift of friendship turning toxic and dangerous U.S. Detains 3 in Connection with Boston Bombings, New York Times (Katharine Q. Seelye, et al) 2. Obama Administration appealing Morning-After Pill ruling U.S. Will Appeal Order on ...
1. In the War Over Christianity, Orthodoxy Is Winning Viewpoint: In the War Over Christianity, Orthodoxy Is Winning, Time (Mary Eberstadt) 2. Sexual Messaging and Next-Day Birth Control Conservative Sex Obsession Hurts Both Boys and Girl ...
In the beginning was the Word. Christians rightly cherish the declaration that our Savior, the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, is first known as the Word -- the one whom the Father has sent to communicate and to accomplish our redemption ...