On April 19, 1961, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered the Julius B. Gay Lecture at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. As historian Gregory A. Wills explains: On April 19, 1961, Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the seminary community in a pac ...
"I have a dream,” declared Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as he addressed a crowd of several hundred thousand gathered on the Mall around the Washington Monument. The date was August 28, 1963, and America was a cauldron of social unrest. Civil right ...
1) On 50th anniversary of "I Have a Dream" we remember every human is made in image of God The March on Wahsington, 50 Years Later, The Washington Times (Vance Garnett) 50 Years Later, Thousands Retrace March on Washington, USA Today (Alan Gome ...
1. Chemical weapons in Syria prove to be "uncivilized, barbarian, rogue" Secretary Kerry's remarks on Syria, Washington Post Syria's Gas Attack on Civilization, Wall Street Journal (Andrew Roberts) 2. Compromising personal morality now the ...
1. Syrian regime crosses Obama's "red line," by using chemical weapons against own people William Hague: choice between military strikes on Syria or allowing tyrants to use chemical weapons, The Telegraph (Tim Ross) A step too far, The Economis ...
Anyone who still doubts that the normalization of homosexuality and the legalization of same-sex marriage will represent a seismic shift in the culture at large needs only to look to New Mexico to see that nothing less than religious liberty is now u ...
1) Despite many calling for Mubarak's execution, he's been released. What now? Egypt's Ousted Leader Hosni Mubarak Resleased, TIME (Sarah El Deeb) Mubarak to Be Transferred to House Arrest, New York Times (Rod Nordland) 2) Bradley Manning n ...
1) Baseball player murdered by bored boys "for the fun of it" 'We Were Bored... So We Decided to Kill Somebody',The Atlantic (Steve Clemons) 3 Okla. Teens Charged in Death of Australian Baseball Player, Who is Mourned on 2 Continents, Washingto ...
1) NJ gender therapy ban far more sweeping than first appeared Christie signs ban on gay conversion therapy, Philadelphia Inquirer (Andrew Seidman) N.J. Gov. Christie signs ban on gay conversion therapy USA Today (Martha T. Moore) 2) In 11 s ...
If preaching is central to Christian worship, what kind of preaching are we talking about? The sheer weightlessness of much contemporary preaching is a severe indictment of our superficial Christianity. When the pulpit ministry lacks substance, the c ...