
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

March 19, 2025

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Render unto Caesar or unto God? Government Funding and the Crisis of Conscience

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world (James 1:27). Back in 1869, Baptists in Kentucky established a "Home for the Helples ...

November 7, 2013

The Briefing 11-07-13

1) Political shifts indicate moral shifts - New York elects decidedly liberal mayor De Blasio is Elected New York City Mayor in Landslide, The New York Times (Michael Barbaro and David W. Chen) New York City Takes Left Turn, Wall Street Journal ...

November 7, 2013

The Briefing 11-06-13

1) After 30 years, legislative prayer will return to the Supreme Court Founders’ view of prayer should prevail at Supreme Court, Washington Post (Alan Sears and Joseph Infranco) Issue of Prayer Returns to the Court, New York Times (Adam Liptak) ...

November 6, 2013

The Briefing 11-05-13

1) As America goes to the polls, we are reminded that elections matter Voters to Decide Elections Coast to Coast Tuesday, Associated Press (Steve Peoples) Election Day on Tuesday, New York Times (Editorial) In New York Casino Vote, a Dance W ...

November 5, 2013

The Briefing 11-04-13

1) After $1.6 billion spent on security, LAX still not safe. Is safety possible?  Suspect shot, in custody at Los Angeles airport after TSA officer killed, CNN (Michael Martinez and Greg Botelho) 2) In Kentucky, first gay divorce attempted in s ...

November 4, 2013

The Briefing 11-01-13

1. Indiana Court to decide: "What exactly constitutes a parent?" In same-sex couple dispute, Indiana Court of Appeals calls for lawmakers to refine definition of 'parent', Indianapolis Star (Tim Evans) 2. Belgium considers extending euthanasia ...

November 1, 2013

The Briefing 10-31-13

1) Christians must consider moral, ethical, and religious implications of Halloween Christianity and the Dark Side—What about Halloween?, Is Halloween a Witches' Brew?, Christianity Today (Harold L. Myra) 2) Public schools r ...

October 31, 2013

The Briefing 10-30-13

1) Texas abortion law blocked and likely headed to Supreme Court The Texas abortion law is a trial run for the right wing's strategy across America, Guardian (Amanda Marcotte) Wendy Davis couldn’t stop a Texas abortion law. But a federal court ...

October 30, 2013

Christianity and the Dark Side—What about Halloween?

Over a hundred years ago, the great Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck predicted that the 20th century would “witness a gigantic conflict of spirits.” His prediction turned out to be an understatement, and this great conflict continues into the 21st cen ...

October 30, 2013

The Briefing 10-29-13

1) Hawaii considers becoming 15th state to legalize gay marriage Hawaii Considers Same-Sex Marriage, TIME (Courtney Subramanian) Hawaii begins special session on gay marriage bill, The Associated Press (Oskar Garcia) 2) Air Force Academy add ...

October 29, 2013

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