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March 19, 2025

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Commonplaces: Teenagers, Reading, and Language

In times past, readers kept books in which they recorded favorite items from their reading. These "commonplace books" were sometimes later collected, offering a view into the mind and habits of the reader even as the thoughts of the original writers ...

January 14, 2014

The Briefing 01-13-14

1. One of the lions of the 20th Century has now passed: Ariel Sharon dies at 85 Ariel Sharon, Fierce Defender of a Strong Israel, Dies at 85, New York Times (Ethan Bronner) 2. Governor Chris Christie's senior staff cause traffic problems to ' ...

January 13, 2014

“Downton Abbey” and the Modern Age—What Are We Really Watching?

Americans by the millions tuned in to watch the premier of Downton Abbey's fourth season, eager to enjoy the continuation of the saga of the Earl and Countess of Grantham and their household. According to press reports, 10.2 million Americans watched ...

January 10, 2014

The Briefing 01-10-14

1. Israel adopts one of the most liberal abortion laws ever known to humanity Israel's abortion law now among world's most liberal, Times of Israel (Deborah Kamin) 2. Federal courts making pivotal decisions on abortion Access to Abortion F ...

January 10, 2014

Evolution and the Secular Worldview—The Fury of the Elites on Display

The Pew Research Center's Religion and Public Life Project recently released data indicating that the issue of evolution still divides Americans. According to the research, about 60 percent of Americans indicate a belief in evolution, while just over ...

January 9, 2014

The Briefing 01-09-14

1. Utah at the center of marriage battle as polygamy becomes "the next frontier" Polygamy as Lifestyle Choice, and a Reality TV Brand, New York Times (John Schwartz) Thanks to the 'Sister Wives' lawsuit and the end of morality laws, Washingto ...

January 9, 2014

The Briefing 01-08-14

1. "Jihad Jane" sentenced for plot to kill Swedish artist 'Jihad Jane' Sentenced to 10 Years in Plot to Kill Artist, Wall Street Journal (Ashby Jones) 2. 10 yr-old Afghan girl involved in a bombing attempt Afghan Girl says she was sent on a ...

January 8, 2014

The Briefing 01-07-14

1. Same Sex Marriage in 2013: A Review On sex, drugs and spying: The surprises of 2013, USA Today (Susan Page) Justices' Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in Limbo, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Jack Healy) 2. Little Sisters of th ...

January 7, 2014

The Briefing 01-06-14

1. Extreme cold moves across the Midwest Deep South braces for deep freeze as brutal cold grips the Midwest, CNN (Holly Yan and Joe Sutton) 2. Boy Scouts started allowing gay members first of the year Scouting's incomplete Evolution, New ...

January 6, 2014

“The Only Intelligible Explanation of the Incarnation”—A. T. Robertson on the Virgin Birth of Christ

The Christmas season comes each year with the expected flurry of media attention to the biblical accounts of Christ's conception and birth. The general thrust of the secular media is often incredulity toward the fact that so many people still believe ...

December 27, 2013

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