1) How much do Super Bowl advertisers think your attention is worth? $4 Million for 30 seconds Super Bowl kicks off world’s richest ad game, Financial Times (Emily Steel) In Las Vegas, Putting a Lot on the Line for the Super Bowl, New York Time ...
Your questions this week: 1) Is 'Word of Faith' doctrine a good reason to leave a church? 2) Why would God create people who are doomed to hell? 3) Should I date someone from another denomination? 4) Why don't Evangelicals consider surro ...
1) Eric Holder, opposed to death penalty, will seek death penalty in Boston Bombing case Feds seek death penalty for Boston bombing suspect Tsarnaev, CNN (Catherine E. Shoichet) 2) Stem cell breakthrough refutation of what science said was abso ...
1) State of the Union: It's not what happened, but what didn't happen State of the Union: Obama Seeks to Narrow Income Gap, Wall Street Journal (Carol E. Lee and Peter Nicholas) Hardened, Obama Strikes Tough Tone for Modest Agenda, New York Tim ...
1) Where will the Church of England stand when the UK legalizes gay marriage? Bishops must reject these wicked homophobic views, The Guardian (Andrew Brown) 2) Africa must be "liberated from literal interpretation of the Bible" COMMENTARY: T ...
1) The significance and history of the State of the Union address Obama Pursuing a Modest Agenda in State of Union, New York Times (Peter Baker) Democrats Debate How to Discuss Inequality Ahead of Obama Speech, Wall Street Journal (Colleen McCa ...
1) Considering the tragedy of "brain death" and the gift of human life Brain-dead Texas woman taken off ventilator, CNN (Caleb Hellerman. Jason Morris and Matt Smith) My sister Terri Schiavo was alive like Jahi McMath, Washington Times (Bobby S ...
1) Elections have consequences: Virginia Attorney General won't defend same-sex marriage ban Even in Death, Abortion Politics Never Goes Away, New Yorker (Jeffrey Toobin and Ben Margot) Virginia won't defend its same-sex marriage ban, USA Today ...
The biblical master narrative serves as a framework for the cognitive principles that allow the formation of an authentically Christian worldview. Many Christians rush to develop what they will call a “Christian worldview” by arranging isolated Chris ...
1) True Income Inequality: Married family poverty level 7.5%. Those with single mother: 33.9% How to Fight Income Inequality: Get Married, Wall Street Journal (Ari Fleischer) Commentary: Mother of four is a mess? So, where are the fathers? Palm ...