
Friday, March 21, 2025

March 21, 2025

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2014 Ligonier National Conference: Out of This World

  In previous centuries, it was said by some that children should be seen but not heard. Christians are often treated in the same way. In this session from the 2014 Ligonier Conference, Dr. Albert Mohler will argue that in our day, as in the ...

March 21, 2014

Fred Phelps and the Anti-Gospel of Hate — A Necessary Word

Fred Phelps is dead. The fire-and-brimstone preacher, who for many years was pastor of the institution known as Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday in a hospice in Topeka, Kansas. The announcement was made on his church’s website. The wordin ...

March 21, 2014

The Briefing 03-21-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Fred Phelps Sr’s life was one of the most bitter and harmful to gospel in modern history Fred Phelps Sr., leader of Westboro Baptist Church, dies at 84, Washington Post (Adam Bernstein) How Should Gays Eulogize Fred P ...

March 21, 2014

The Briefing 03-20-14

1) Putin's ruthless power grab re-writes modern international relations If Not a Cold War, a Return to a Chilly Rivalry, New York Times (Peter Baker) 2) Obama rightly awards 24 Medals of Honor which had been denied - 21 posthumously Medals o ...

March 20, 2014

The Briefing 03-19-14

1) Cultural left wonders if they made right decision on religious liberty in Arizona Choosing What to Photograph Is a Form of Speech, Wall Street Journal (Eugene Volokh and Ilya Shapiro) Restricting religion will not unite us, USA Today (Oliv ...

March 19, 2014

The Briefing 03-18-14

1) St. Patrick's Day Parade: Homosexuals don't just demand participation, but celebration Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast Breaks Barriers, but Its Parade Does Not, New York Times (Katharine Q. Seelye) Guinness Withdraws Sponsorship of St. ...

March 18, 2014

The Briefing 03-17-14

1) Human intentionality behind Malaysian jet disappearance Timing of Report by Flight’s Pilot Focuses Inquiry, New York Times (Chris Buckley and Keith Bradsher) 2) Putin has taken advantage of naivety of West Crimea Votes to Secede From Ukr ...

March 17, 2014

Ask Anything: Weekend Edition 03-15-14

1) Should Christians shelter young children from homosexual friends and relatives? 2) What are your thoughts about J.R.R. Tolkien's writings and who is your favorite character? 3) Which preacher or theologian has had the most profound impact on ...

March 15, 2014

The Briefing 03-14-14

1) Not Science Fiction: Malaysian airliner may have flown 4-5 hrs after losing contact Missing Malaysian plane may have flown up to four hours, U.S. officials say, Washington Post (Ashley Halsey III, Scott Wilson and Chico Harlan) Missing jet s ...

March 14, 2014

An Evangelical Theology of the Body: Biblical Theology and the Sexuality Crisis

An address given at the "9Marks at Southern" conference held February 28 - March 1, 2014 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. For more information on 9 Marks Ministries and future conferences, please visit ...

March 13, 2014

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