
Friday, March 21, 2025

March 21, 2025

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The Briefing 04-08-14

Podcast Transcript 1)”Never Again” reflecting on Rwandan genocide 20 years after 20 years after the genocide, Rwanda is a beacon of hope, The Guardian (Tony Blair) France Curtails Role at Genocide Services After Rwanda Leader Casts Blame, ...

April 8, 2014

Moralism is Not the Gospel (But Many Christians Think it Is)

One of the most amazing statements by the Apostle Paul is his indictment of the Galatian Christians for abandoning the Gospel. “I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel,” Paul dec ...

April 8, 2014

The Briefing 04-07-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Mozilla CEO ouster clear example of scale and velocity of moral revolution Why Mozilla’s Chief Had to Resign, New York Times (Farhad Manjoo) Mozilla’s Gay-Marriage Purge, Bloomberg View (Ramesh Ponnuru) 2) Endorsement of s ...

April 7, 2014

Ask Anything: Weekend Edition 04-05-14

1) How should we think about slavery in the Bible? Why was it allowed? 2) Where should someone begin pursuing interest in classical music? 3) Is online schooling going to replace traditional schooling? What are the pros and cons? Call with y ...

April 5, 2014

The Briefing 04-04-14

Podcast Transcript 1) CEO of Mozilla resigns amid outrage over 2008 Proposition 8 donation Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich to Step Down, Wall Street Journal (John Kell) Mozilla’s Chief Felled by View on Gay Unions, New York Times (Nick Bilton and N ...

April 4, 2014

The Briefing 04-03-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Supreme Court lifts ban on aggregate campaign donations Supreme Court lifts ban on aggregate campaign donations, USA Today (Richard Wolf and Fredreka Schouten) 2) Why is Mississippi religious freedom law controversial? It should ...

April 3, 2014

The Briefing 04-02-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Same-sex marriage legal in United Kingdom as Anglican church drops opposition Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed, BBC Get used to gay marriage, Philip Hammond tells Tory critics, The Telegraph (Christopher ...

April 2, 2014

The Briefing 04-01-14

Podcast Transcript 1) The “unforeseen” mudslide tragedy was not unforeseen A Mudslide, Foretold, New York Times (Timothy Egan) 2) Justice Ginsburg, the power of the courts, and the pressure of retirement Much depends on Ginsburg, Los Ange ...

April 1, 2014

At Home With The Founders – A Conversation on the American Experiment with Myron Magnet

Interview Transcript Myron Magnet was the editor of City Journal from 1994 through 2006, and he is now the magazine’s editor-at-large. A former member of the board of editors of Fortune magazine, he was awarded a National Humanities Medal by Presi ...

March 31, 2014

The Briefing 03-31-14

Podcast Transcript 1) How can there be such high rates of religious belief and such poor rates of religious faithfulness? The Christian Penumbra, New York Times (Ross Douthat) 2) Demographics point us to reality world is changing, and we bet ...

March 31, 2014

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