1. In shadow of Olympics, Ukrainian civil war taking place under sponsorship of Russia Pull Out of Sochi to Protest the Kiev Massacre, Wall Street Journal (Bernard-Henri Levy) E.U. Imposes Sanctions Despite Russian Criticism, New York Times ( ...
1. Civil war threat in Ukraine and violence breaks out in Thai capital New Ukraine clashes shatter shaky truce, USA Today (Olga Rudenko and Jennifer Collins) Wave of Violence Grips Thai Capital, Wall Street Journal (James Hookway and Warangka ...
1. To raise the minimum wage or not: What leads to the greatest human flourishing? Minimum Wage Increase Would Have Mixed Effects, C.B.O. Report Says, New York Times (Annie Lowrey) Report on federal minimum wage of $10.10 heats up debate in C ...
The Digital Age is upon us. In the span of less than three decades, we have redefined the way humans communicate, entertain, inform, research, create, and connect – and what we know now is only a hint of what is to come. But the greatest concern of t ...
1. Where does religious liberty intersect and sometimes collide with the business world? In Kansas, Right Joins Left to Halt Bill on Gays, New York Times (John Eligon) TN Bill Let Vendors Turn Away Same-Sex Ceremonies, Tennessean (Chas Sisk) ...
1. Virginia federal court strikes down gay marriage ban as judges rush to "ratify society's progress" A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States, New York Times (Adam Liptak) 2. Romantic love, in the modern age, s ...
1) What is the difference between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology? 2) Should you leave a congregation if a woman is ordained as an elder? 3) Which theologians and pastors have had the greatest impact on your life and ministry? Call w ...
1) Facebook now offers 50 gender options, but even that won't be enough New Gender Options for Facebook Users, Associated Press (Martha Mendoza) 2) Belgium removes age restrictions, extending euthanasia to children Belgium Extends Euthanasi ...
1) Kentucky Federal Judge overturns will of the people on same-sex marriage The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth, AlbertMohler.com Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck ...
"As far as this Court is concerned, no one should be fooled; it is just a matter of listening and waiting for the other shoe." Those are the words of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, drawn from his dissent in the case United States v. Windsor, h ...