
Friday, March 21, 2025

March 21, 2025

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The Briefing 04-30-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Restrictions on what ministers can do is of great concern for religious liberty North Carolina’s Gay-Marriage Ban Is Challenged by Church, New York Times (Michael Paulson) 2)Donald Sterling banned for life from basketba ...

April 30, 2014

The Briefing 04-29-14

Podcast Transcript 1) New twist on religious liberty as church challenges North Carolina’s same sex marriage ban North Carolina’s Gay-Marriage Ban Is Challenged by Church, New York Times (Michael Paulson) 2) Secular media notices biblical il ...

April 29, 2014

The Briefing 04-28-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Canonization of two popes vivid picture of the distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism Ancient Vatican ceremony makes saints of John Paul II and John XXIII, Washington Post (Anthony Faiola) 2) Holocaust ...

April 28, 2014

Ask Anything: Weekend Edition 04-26-14

1) Is there a biblical basis for age-segregated ministry? 2) How should Christians exercise discernment in reading bad theology? 3) What is the eternal state of infants who die? The Salvation of the ‘Little Ones’: Do Infants who Die Go to He ...

April 26, 2014

The Briefing 04-25-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Opposition to same-sex marriage crumbling on political right Anti-gay marriage sentiment fading, Washington Post (Jennifer Rubin) 2) How the mainstreaming of sexually explicit material paved way for current Sexual Revol ...

April 25, 2014

The Briefing 04-23-14

Podcast Transcript 1) What does David Cameron’s “classic” Church of England membership amount to? Not much. Cameron’s Description of Britain as ‘Christian Country’ Draws an Angry Response, New York Times (Steven Erlanger) David Cameron’s ‘v ...

April 23, 2014

The Briefing 04-22-14

Podcast Transcript 1) God, the Gospel, and the Gay Challenge – Will Christians remain true to scripture? God, the Gospel, and the Gay Challenge — A Response to Matthew Vines, (R. Albert Mohler Jr.) 2) Why are atheists so out ...

April 22, 2014

God, the Gospel, and the Gay Challenge — A Response to Matthew Vines

Evangelical Christians in the United States now face an inevitable moment of decision. While Christians in other movements and in other nations face similar questions, the question of homosexuality now presents evangelicals in the United States with ...

April 22, 2014

The Briefing 04-21-14

Podcast Transcript 1) The South Korean Ferry Tragedy – A Moral, Not Technical, Disaster S Korea Arrests Ferry Captain, Financial Times (Song Jong-a) Breaking Proud Tradition, Captains Flee and Let Others Go Down With Ship, New York Times (Ch ...

April 21, 2014

The Briefing 04-18-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Heartbreak, grief, and prayer for those in South Korea Hundreds Missing After South Korean Ferry Sinks, New York Times (Choe Sang-Hun) ‘I love you,’ student texts mom from sinking South Korea ferry, Los Angeles Times (S ...

April 18, 2014

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