Podcast Transcript 1) Genocide and persecution in Iraq rightly causes Pres. Obama to authorize air strikes Obama Authorizes Iraq Air Strikes Amid Genocide Threat, Bloomberg Businessweek (Margaret Talev, Terry Atlas, and Toy Capaccio) Christi ...
In an ominous development Wednesday night, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its highest level alert for a response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, even as reports came in indicating that the crisis may now not be limited to W ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Treatment of Ebola brings a morality of personal autonomy into conflict with a plague CDC issues highest-level alert for Ebola, USA Today (Doug Stanglin) Ebola, research ethics, and the ZMapp serum, Washington Post (Lau ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Federal circuit courts begin considering state same sex marriage bans Gay Marriage Arguments Are Flooding Federal Courts, Huffington Post (Amanda Lee Myers) 2) Vast shifts in social values a massive missiological challe ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Cohabitation has become replacement for marriage in a massive moral shift Moving In and Moving On, Family Studies (Scott Stanley) Trends in Cohabitation Outcomes: Compositional Changes and Engagement Among Never-Married ...
Podcast Transcript 1) West African Ebola outbreak reminder that man has not conquered pestilence CDC Director Says U.S. ‘Surging’ Efforts to Stop Ebola Outbreak, ABC News (Kari Rea) Ebola outbreak: We’re heading towards a catastrophe, warns ...
Writing about the age of John Milton, the British author A. N. Wilson once tried to explain to modern secular readers that there had once been a time when bishops of the Church of England were titanic figures of conviction who were ready to stand aga ...
Podcast Transcript This special edition of The Briefing is released in response to the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. Today’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case represents a huge win for religious liberty in America, and the 5- ...
Today's decision in the Hobby Lobby case represents a huge win for religious liberty in America, and the 5-4 decision will now stand as a landmark case that will reshape the religious liberty debate for generations to come. At the same time, the deep ...