Podcast Transcript 1) Primacy of cultural issues in electoral discussions reveal moral contours of our society 'Security Moms' Are Back—and That's Bad News for Democrats, The Atlantic (Peter Beinart) World Events Muffle Democrats’ Economic R ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Obama declares Ebola epidemic a national security crisis and global responsibility for the US Read his speech: Obama visits Georgia, CDC for Ebola updates, WJCL (Christopher Buchanan) Goodbye, Organization Man, New York ...
Western society is currently experiencing what can only be described as a moral revolution. Our society’s moral code and collective ethical evaluation on a particular issue has undergone not small adjustments but a complete reversal. That which was o ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Wave of transgender children’s books reminder sexual revolutionaries are targeting your children Heather Has Two Genders, Wall Street Journal (Megan Cox Gurdon) 2) American congregations report reveals rapid acceleratio ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Domestic abuse and health issues of NFL expose tendency towards a gladiatorial morality Ray Rice Case Draws Attention to a Crime Often Obscured, New York Times (David Kocieniewski) The Ray Rice video and what it exposes ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Ironically, unbelivers Harris and Maher teach importance of belief Sleepwalking Toward Armageddon, SamHarris.org (Sam Harris) Maher vs. Charlie Rose: To Claim Islam Is Like Other Religions Is Naive And Plain Wrong, Rea ...
It is hard to come up with any arena of human endeavor that is any more classically tied to these major worldview, ideological, theological and biblical concerns than the intersection economics with lived Christian theology. It is no accident that th ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Roman Catholic ‘evolution’ on gay marriage shows adding to Scripture subverts its authority Is the Catholic Church ‘Evolving’ on Gay Marriage?, TIME (Christopher J. Hale) Could homosexuality split the Catholic Church?, ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Momentum of Scotland referendum gentle reminder of transience of political realities Britain faces storm as giant global investors awaken to break-up dangers, The Telegraph (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard) Scottish independenc ...
Podcast Transcript 1) InterVarsity ejected by California University system over creedal basis of group College campuses resemble closed countries, Mission Network News (Julie Oosterhouse) California State University System, Intervarsity 2 ...