1) How should Christian doctors respond to patients seeking gender-reassignment? 2) How dangerous is the New Age movement? 3) What will Judgment Day look like for Christians, already justified in Christ? ...
Podcast Transcript 1) San Francisco archbishop criticized for having Catholic schools hold to Catholic beliefs Morals Clause in Catholic Schools Roils Bay Area, New York Times (Carol Pogash) 2) Story of priested twins points to importance o ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Boston Marathon Bomber defense confesses client’s action, denies his responsibility ‘It was him’ Boston bomber’s lawyers admit guilt, focus on brother, Reuters (Scott Malone and Elizabeth Barber) 2) Former CIA head’s pl ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Netanyahu's Congress address exposes wide differences in view of challenge of Iran Netanyahu, in Speech to Congress, Criticizes ‘Bad Deal’ on Iran Nuclear Program, New York Times (Peter Baker) Obama lays out Iran nuclea ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Decriminalization of adultery in South Korea reflects global trend of personal autonomy Adultery Is No Longer an Affair of the State in South Korea, New York Times (Choe Sang-Hun) South Korea Legalizes Adultery, Wall S ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Perennial conflict between evolution and Christian faith acknowledged by journalist Science And Religion: Surveying The Field Of Battle, Forbes (John Farrell) 2) Return of German edition of Mein Kampf reveals endurace o ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Progression behind legalization of pot result of moral ‘progression’ With marijuana legalization, green rush is on in D.C., Washington Post (Marc Fisher, Aaron C. Davis, and Perry Stein) Big Tobacco’s Future: Big Pot, B ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Netherlands’ booming euthanasia business shocking display of culture of death trajectory Dying Dutch: Euthanasia Spreads Across Europe, Newsweek (Winston Ross) Euthanasia Comes to Canada, Weekly Standard (Wesley J. Sm ...
Podcast Transcript 1) ISIS recruits young ‘cubs’ in effort to create multi-generational jihad ISIS Trains Child Soldiers at Camps for ‘Cubs of the Islamic State‘, NBC News (Cassandra Vinograd, Ghazi Balkiz and Ammar Cheikh Omar)) 2) Journali ...
The world around us is changing at a velocity unprecedented in human history. But we must realize that while the world seems to be changing almost regularly before our eyes, the task of the ministry remains absolutely the same. The founders of this s ...