The evangelical world has been roiled by the headlines concerning Joshua Harris. First came the news of his divorce, and then came the news of his departure from the Christian faith. It’s hard to imagine more sobering news. We have to go back to 1 ...
An address to the Western Conservative Summit, July 13, 2019, Denver, Colorado: Our concern in this gathering is the assault on religious liberty now experienced within the United States and throughout Western Civilization. The very civilization t ...
Western Conservative Summit Denver, Colorado July 13, 2019 Our concern in this gathering is the assault on religious liberty now experienced within the United States and throughout Western Civilization. The very civilization that paid such a ...
Summers come and summers go. Why are summers so memorable? Perhaps the reason comes down to the fact that summer brings an invitation to actually do some things we have wanted to do all along, but were prevented by time or weather. When it comes to r ...
1) Two Nights, Four Hours, Twenty Democrats, and a Swerve to the Left: The First ‘Debate’ of the 2020 Election Cycle. 2) The Biggest Winners From Both Nights of the Democratic Presidential Debate? Expansive Government, the Welfare State, and the Abor ...