1) What role do dreams play in the Christian life today? 2) How should Christians deal with mourning the loss of a pet? 3) Is remarriage obligatory if divorced spouse is repentant of their sin? Call with your questions 24 hours a day, 7 da ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Multiple same-sex marriage cases in Federal Courts, racing toward Supreme Court Same-sex marriage battle escalates to force Supreme Court decision on constitutionality, Washington Post (Robert Barnes) 2) Moral change re ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Same-sex marriage legal in United Kingdom as Anglican church drops opposition Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed, BBC Get used to gay marriage, Philip Hammond tells Tory critics, The Telegraph (Christopher ...
Podcast Transcript 1) World Vision’s historic and welcome statement acknowledges error World Vision to reverse gay marriage decision, World Magazine (Jamie Dean) World Vision Reverses Decision To Hire Christians in Same-Sex Marriages, Christian ...
Podcast Transcript 1) World Vision claims they haven’t taken a side on same-sex marriage, but they have World Vision: Why We’re Hiring Gay Christians in Same-Sex Marriages, Christianity Today (Celeste Gracey and Jeremy Weber) 2) Sacrifice ...
1) Not Science Fiction: Malaysian airliner may have flown 4-5 hrs after losing contact Missing Malaysian plane may have flown up to four hours, U.S. officials say, Washington Post (Ashley Halsey III, Scott Wilson and Chico Harlan) Missing jet s ...
Interview Transcript ...
1. Eric Holder backs state Attorneys General who refuse to uphold laws against same-sex marriage Holder Sees Way to Curb Bans on Gay Marriage, New York Times (Matt Apuzzo) Six attorneys general won't defend their own state's gay-marriage bans, ...
1. Virginia federal court strikes down gay marriage ban as judges rush to "ratify society's progress" A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States, New York Times (Adam Liptak) 2. Romantic love, in the modern age, s ...
Your questions this week: 1) Is 'Word of Faith' doctrine a good reason to leave a church? 2) Why would God create people who are doomed to hell? 3) Should I date someone from another denomination? 4) Why don't Evangelicals consider surro ...