
Monday, December 16, 2024

December 16, 2024

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Manhood Archives

The Briefing 10-18-13

1) Words matter - Malaysian court restricts word "Allah" to Muslims Only Muslims Can Call God 'Allah', Malaysian Court Says, Time (Charlotte Alter) 2) Calling homosexuality a sin is now a sin Rev. Gary Hall of the National Cathedral: Being ...

October 18, 2013

How Pornography Works: It Hijacks the Male Brain

We are fast becoming a pornographic society. Over the course of the last decade, explicitly sexual images have crept into advertising, marketing, and virtually every niche of American life. This ambient pornography is now almost everywhere, from the ...

October 9, 2013

The Briefing 09-19-13

1. More than an economic problem: The "lost" generation A generation 'lost' in the Job Hunt, Wall Street Journal (Ben Casselman and Marcus Walker) 2. After a "he-cession," we are having a "she-covery" Women outrun men in regaining jobs since ...

September 19, 2013

The Central Tragedy of this Case Remains—Trayvon Martin Belongs to Us All

As the father of a young man, I know the talks parents have with their sons--or should have. I have had plenty of those talks, and I know them from both sides. But there is one talk I never had to have with my son, and my father never had to have wit ...

July 15, 2013

The Briefing 04-30-13

1. Overwhelming celebration of homosexuality and marginalization of all who disagree Why NBA center Jason Collins is coming out now, Sports Illustrated (Jason Collins with Franz Lidz)   ESPN’s Chris Broussard clarifies his views on Ja ...

April 30, 2013

The Chicken of the Sea: A Modern Tale of Fear, Failure, and Cowardice

The sight of the giant cruise ship Costa Concordia listing in the deadly embrace of the sea is now a graphic symbol of failure. Its timing is absolutely eerie, coming so close to the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. But, unlike the Ti ...

January 19, 2012

For Christian Men: The Lessons of Herman Cain

Herman Cain "suspended" his campaign for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination on Saturday, ending one of the most interesting political campaigns of recent years. Cain's energy and ideas had catapulted him into the front ranks of Republican ca ...

December 5, 2011

The Myth of the Genderless Baby

Back in the nineteenth century, the British people were introduced to a fairy tale about "water babies" through a story written by Rev. Charles Kingsley. The water babies entered folklore, and generations of British children imagined the water babies ...

May 24, 2011

The Global Threat of Gendercide

Historian Niall Ferguson reminds us that Ernest Hemingway once penned a collection of short stories entitled Men Without Women. The stories are haunting, demonstrating the brutality that comes to men without the presence of women -- and especially wi ...

March 8, 2011

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