While the question "What is the gospel?" may strike many as naively simple, getting the answer right has recently proved more difficult for Christians than most realize. Recognizing this trend and the indispensability of the gospel to the life of th ...
The tragic spectacle of a seven-year old boy sent flying alone back to Russia, returned by an adoptive mother in the United States, has caught the attention of the watching world. Earlier this week, Patricia Cogen told CNN that this American mother ...
The tragic spectacle of a seven-year-old boy sent flying alone back to Russia, returned by an adoptive mother in the United States, has caught the attention of the watching world. Torry Hansen put the boy on a plane and sent him back to Russia with a ...
From atheistic Communism to Christianity, Marvin Olasky's journey to the Christian faith is one of the most compelling stories of our day. As a leading Christian intellectual, Dr. Olasky was the engine behind President George W. Bush's compassionate ...
A recent newspaper article reveals that the average cost of an American wedding is now $28,000. This astonishing reality forces many young couples to ask themselves if they can afford to get married. On today's show, Dr. Mohler addresses this impor ...
The Christian faith is not a mere collection of doctrines -- a bag of truths. Christianity is a comprehensive truth claim that encompasses every aspect of revealed doctrine, but is centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, as the apostolic preachi ...
A news report from Washington, D.C. tells the story of vestigial Christianity unhinged from biblical authority. Religion News Service [RNS] reports that many pastors in the nation's capital are struggling with just how they can go about the wedding o ...
Fox News broadcaster Glenn Beck is famous for launching verbal grenades, and he did so again in recent days, calling upon church members to flee congregations that promote social justice. His comments incited an immediate controversy, where far more ...
Americans are accustomed to a certain kind of public confession, argues Susan Wise Bauer -- and that means a confession that is shaped by the Christian faith. Indeed, in her seminal book, The Art of the Public Grovel, Bauer argues that Americans are ...