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February 28, 2025

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Jesus & the Gospel Archives

‘Prettifying’ Darwin — A Timely Look at a Losing Strategy

The American literary critic Frederick Crews once spoke of defenders of evolutionary theory who attempt to make Darwinism appear more congenial to the Christian faith than it truly is. These defenders, Crews wrote, present a vision of Darwin and Darw ...

August 27, 2010

Marry Outside the Faith? The Logic of Christian Marriage

Statistics indicate that a growing number of Americans are marrying someone from outside their own religious commitments. Is this a trend we should encourage? Not if you are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The statistical trend is clear eno ...

July 28, 2010

A Multifaith Seminary? Seriously?

Dr. Jerry Campbell, President of the Claremont School of Theology, recently announced that his United Methodist school will begin including Jewish and Muslim curriculum and students in order to prepare the next generation of ministers for the realiti ...

June 10, 2010

The Gospel for Muslims: An Interview with Thabiti Anyabwile

Franklin Graham's recent comments calling Islam a false religion caused quite a controversy in the public sphere.  As the West becomes increasingly secular, it is generally assumed that holding to the exclusive truths of the gospel over and against a ...

May 20, 2010

Do We Really Know Jesus? Adam Gopnik and the Gospels

This much is clear -- Jesus Christ just will not be ignored. Even the most secularized classes, those whom Friedrich Schleiermacher called the "cultured despisers of religion," cannot leave Jesus alone. Not even The New Yorker. The latest edition ...

May 19, 2010

Starting Something You Cannot Finish: The Eschatology of Christian Mission

Commencements come and commencements go. There will be thousands of graduation ceremonies around the world this season, and each will mark an important turning point in life. We have become so accustomed to these transitions and the need for marking ...

May 14, 2010

All Roads Lead to Heaven? Kathleen Parker Does Theology

Earlier this week, Kathleen Parker used her column in The Washington Post to take on Franklin Graham and his belief that belief in Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.  Parker argued that “Graham’s views didn’t sit very well with secular Americ ...

May 13, 2010

All Roads Lead to Heaven? — Kathleen Parker Does Theology

What catches the attention of a columnist for The Washington Post? A recent column by Kathleen Parker indicates that theology has become a focus of national attention. Kathleen Parker used her column in The Washington Post to take on Franklin Graham ...

May 12, 2010

NARAL’s Daughters — The Abortion Rights Crowd is Concerned

Nancy Keenan, the current President of NARAL Pro-Choice America, is worried that many of the women in the next generation are not as committed to abortion rights as she would like them to be. Newsweek's Sarah Kliff recently published a story highligh ...

May 3, 2010

The Death of a (Former) Atheist — Antony Flew, 1923-2010

The death this month of Antony Flew brings an end to one of the most interesting lives in twentieth century philosophy. Throughout the last half of that century, Professor Flew was recognized as one of the most significant philosophical advocates of ...

April 29, 2010

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