There is no shortage of perplexing realities in our world today, but counted among them must be the fact that many rather well informed people seem to be shocked that Christians believe the doctrines of Christianity. Over the weekend, Rep. Anthony W ...
"Most Christians assume that Christianity is the one and only religion that is God-inspired and that carries the imprimatur of God's blessing," laments R. Kirby Godsey. In his new book, Is God a Christian?, Godsey sets out to oppose that assumptio ...
Is the Church guilty of beating people with the Bible? As strange as that argument might sound, it is actually a powerful weapon in the hands of those who are determined to normalize homosexuality and same-sex marriage within the Church. Those pushin ...
The Christian faith is not a mere collection of doctrines — a bag of truths. Christianity is a comprehensive truth claim that encompasses every aspect of revealed doctrine, but is centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, as the apostolic prea ...
The case of Florida pastor Terry Jones presents Christians with an easy judgment but a difficult dilemma. This publicity-seeking pastor of a tiny congregation deserves to be condemned in every way for his act of putting the Qur'an "on trial" and f ...
The novelist Saul Bellow once remarked that being a prophet is nice work if you can get it. The only problem, he suggested, is that sooner or later a prophet has to speak of God, and at that point the prophet has to speak clearly. In other words, the ...
As is so often the case, most of us first learned of Rob Bell's new book by means of Justin Taylor and his blog, "Between Two Worlds," at the Gospel Coalition. Justin reminds me of the steady folks at the National Hurricane Center. He is able to advi ...
The reversal of the curse of sin originates in God’s love and his sovereign determination to save sinners, and it is grounded in the cross and resurrection of Christ. The atonement of Jesus Christ accomplishes our salvation from sin. Nevertheless, th ...
The third great movement in the Christian metanarrative begins with the affirmation that God’s purpose from the beginning was to redeem a people through the blood of his Son –- and that he does this in order to show the excellence of his name through ...
Christians -- especially those enjoying the safety of the West -- often think of martyrdom as a part of the distant Christian past. But a recent barrage of headlines dispels that notion in a hurry. Over the past several weeks, Christians in Iraq suff ...