A statement made by a professor at a leading evangelical college has become a flashpoint in a controversy that really matters. In explaining why she intended to wear a traditional Muslim hijab over the holiday season in order to symbolize solidarity ...
First delivered at the REASON conference hosted by First Baptist Rogers, AR. ...
1) Should Christians disengage from the public sphere and take the Benedict option? 2) Do the Gospels contradict the teaching that Jesus rose after 3 days? 3) Should a Christian use medical means of prolonging life with a terminal illness? & ...
The world around us is changing at a velocity unprecedented in human history. But we must realize that while the world seems to be changing almost regularly before our eyes, the task of the ministry remains absolutely the same. The founders of this s ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Mormon church offers LGBT rights support in exchange for religious liberty protection Mormon church announces support for legal protections for gay people, Washington Post (Michelle Boorstein and Abby Ohlheiser) Mormon ...
The so-called "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" is back in the news and back in public conversation. The story first broke in a flurry of sensationalism back in September of 2012 when Smithsonian magazine declared that a papyrus fragment had been found which ...