
Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22, 2024

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Islam Archives

The Briefing 04-07-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Frank Bruni demands Christian theology capitulate to standards of modern age Your God and My Dignity, New York Times (Frank Bruni) Bigotry, the Bible and the Lessons of Indiana, New York Times (Frank Bruni) 2) NY Sco ...

April 7, 2015

The Briefing 04-03-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Shabab attack on Kenya university targets non-Muslims, especially Christians Shabab Attack on a Kenya University Kills 147, Officials Say, New York Times (Isma’il Kushkush and Rukmini Callilmachi) 147 killed, hundreds r ...

April 3, 2015

The Briefing 03-23-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Death of Singapore founder reminder of value of political separation of powers Lee Kuan Yew, The Economist 2) Islamic State attack on Yemeni mosques exposes internal conflict of Islam Yemen Division of Islamic State ...

March 23, 2015

The Briefing 03-12-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Fallout from OU fraternity racist chant reveals confusion of hate speech and speech crimes It’s not Unconstitutional to be Racist, Huffington Post (Byron Williams) Is University of Oklahoma frat’s racist chant protected ...

March 12, 2015

The Briefing 03-11-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Erskine College criticized by students, others, for making Christian convictions explicit Erskine College’s View on ‘Sin’ Jolts Gay Athletes, New York Times (Jeré Longman) South Carolina college denounces homosexuality ...

March 11, 2015

The Briefing 02-25-15

Podcast Transcript 1) ISIS recruits young ‘cubs’ in effort to create multi-generational jihad ISIS Trains Child Soldiers at Camps for ‘Cubs of the Islamic State‘, NBC News (Cassandra Vinograd, Ghazi Balkiz and Ammar Cheikh Omar)) 2) Journali ...

February 25, 2015

The Briefing 02-23-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Oscars reveal extent of Hollywood influence through control of stories world tells An Oscar Moment Before the Selfie Age, Wall Street Journal (Bob Greene) “50 Shades” of Confederate grey: Why the Christian right is losi ...

February 23, 2015

The Briefing 02-18-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Atrocities of past week and year seem to lead to significant shift in Western view of ISIS Religion’s week from hell, CNN (Daniel Burke) Islam and the West at War, New York Times (Roger Cohen) 2) Islamic eschatology ...

February 18, 2015

The Briefing 01-30-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Legal win for Trinity Western Law school dodges choice between religious and erotic liberty Nova Scotia’s top court upholds Trinity Western accreditation, The Globe and Mail (Andrea Woo) Trinity Western law students OK ...

January 30, 2015

The Briefing 01-28-15

Podcast Transcript 1) Mormon church offers LGBT rights support in exchange for religious liberty protection Mormon church announces support for legal protections for gay people, Washington Post (Michelle Boorstein and Abby Ohlheiser) Mormon ...

January 28, 2015

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