1) Millennials in Adulthood report: Only 26% married as they reach adulthood Millennial in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends, Pew Research Center Half of millennials more likely to lean Democratic, Associated Press ...
1. Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood President, says "life begins at delivery" Cecile Richards on When Life Begins, Fusion Planned Parenthood president: Start of life not ‘really relevant’ to abortion discussions, Washington Times (Douglas ...
1) We may lose the marriage argument with the culture, but we're in trouble if we lose it with our kids A Shifting Landscape, Public Religion Research Institute Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues, Religion News Services (Cat ...
1) History never leaves us - just ask the people of the Crimean Peninsula Tug of War Over Ukraine Intensifies, New York Times (Steven Erlanger) Putin Engages in Test of Will Over Ukraine, New York Times (Steven Lee Myers) Eastern Europe Goes ...
1) Rise of erotic liberty at expense of religious liberty evidenced in Arizona Arizona governor vetoes bill on denying services to gays, Washington Post (Aaron Blake) 2) Federal judge strikes down Texas same-sex marriage ban Federal Judge St ...
1. Civil war threat in Ukraine and violence breaks out in Thai capital New Ukraine clashes shatter shaky truce, USA Today (Olga Rudenko and Jennifer Collins) Wave of Violence Grips Thai Capital, Wall Street Journal (James Hookway and Warangka ...
1. Where does religious liberty intersect and sometimes collide with the business world? In Kansas, Right Joins Left to Halt Bill on Gays, New York Times (John Eligon) TN Bill Let Vendors Turn Away Same-Sex Ceremonies, Tennessean (Chas Sisk) ...
1) Kentucky Federal Judge overturns will of the people on same-sex marriage The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth, AlbertMohler.com Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck ...
1) Where will the Church of England stand when the UK legalizes gay marriage? Bishops must reject these wicked homophobic views, The Guardian (Andrew Brown) 2) Africa must be "liberated from literal interpretation of the Bible" COMMENTARY: T ...
1) The significance and history of the State of the Union address Obama Pursuing a Modest Agenda in State of Union, New York Times (Peter Baker) Democrats Debate How to Discuss Inequality Ahead of Obama Speech, Wall Street Journal (Colleen McCa ...