Podcast Transcript 1) Supreme court decision on beards for inmates significant defense of religious liberty Supreme Court upholds religious rights of prisoners, USA Today (Richard Wolf) 2) Pending same sex marriage decision may give politi ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Supreme Court takes up same-sex marriage cases in political climate friendly to the issue Supreme Court to Decide Marriage Rights for Gay Couples Nationwide, New York Times (Adam Liptak) Taking Up Gay Marriage, but on ...
Barely five days after The New York Times ran a major news article on the firing of Atlanta's fire chief for his views on homosexuality, a major Times opinion writer declared that religious liberty is a fine thing, so long as it is restricted to "pew ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Aftermath of Paris carnage continues to show secular elites inability to fathom religious war Terror Come and Goes, Again, The Wall Street Journal (Daniel Henninger) Paris attack: Universal values, universal outrage, US ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Victory of same-sex ‘marriage’ in Florida shows fight for flourishing is generational battle Mayo: Gay marriage foe says ‘We’ve lost this fight’, Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel (Michael Mayo) 2) Shift of most po ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Legalization of gay ‘marriage’ in Florida reveals economic underpinnings Same-sex marriages begin in Miami-Dade County, Miami Herald (Patricia Mazzei and Steve Rothaus) Wedding planners, tourism officials see dollar si ...
Podcast Transcript 1) CIA torture report fails to provide recommendations in response to brutalities Senate report on CIA program details brutality, dishonesty, Washington Post (Greg Miller, Adam Goldman, and Julie Tate) Releasing the Feinst ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Widespread support for military action against ISIS underlines it as stark image of evil Obama Calls Islamic State’s Killing of Peter Kassig ‘Pure Evil’, New York Times (Rukmini Callimachi) Pentagon says US troops’ role ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Apple CEO proclaims his homosexuality a divine gift, revealing extent of cultural shift on issue Tim Cook Speaks Up, Bloomberg Businessweek (Tim Cook) 2) Taiwan gay pride march displays importance of theological beliefs ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Pres. Obama's public shifts on same-sex marriage reflect moral shifts in larger society The Obama Brief, New Yorker (Jeffrey Toobin) Obama Broadens Support for Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Peter Baker) Presiden ...