Podcast Transcript 1) Boston Marathon bomber found guilty, drama of determining death penalty begins Tsarnaev guilty of Marathon bombings, Boston Globe (Milton J. Valencia, Patricia Wen, Kevin Cullen, John R. Ellement and Martin Finucane) Af ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Frank Bruni demands Christian theology capitulate to standards of modern age Your God and My Dignity, New York Times (Frank Bruni) Bigotry, the Bible and the Lessons of Indiana, New York Times (Frank Bruni) 2) NY Sco ...
The vast high-velocity moral revolution that is reshaping modern cultures at warp speed is leaving almost no aspect of the culture untouched and untransformed. The advocates of same-sex marriage and the more comprehensive goals of the LGBT movement a ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Separation of powers threatened by increasing influence of Supreme Court The high court reigns supreme, USA Today (Richard Wolf) Notable & Quotable: Anthony Kennedy, Wall Street Journal 2) Religious beliefs of Su ...
Podcast Transcript 1) PC(USA) redefines marriage under growing demand for theological compromise Largest Presbyterian Denomination Gives Final Approval for Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Laurie Goodstein) 2) San Francisco church drops ce ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Gordon College affirms biblical view of sexuality, still faces challenge of perseverance Gordon College Reaffirms Sexuality Policy, Launches Taskforce, The Gospel Coalition (Joe Carter) Gordon College reaffirms its poli ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Netanyahu's Congress address exposes wide differences in view of challenge of Iran Netanyahu, in Speech to Congress, Criticizes ‘Bad Deal’ on Iran Nuclear Program, New York Times (Peter Baker) Obama lays out Iran nuclea ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Decriminalization of adultery in South Korea reflects global trend of personal autonomy Adultery Is No Longer an Affair of the State in South Korea, New York Times (Choe Sang-Hun) South Korea Legalizes Adultery, Wall S ...
Podcast Transcript 1) ISIS recruits young ‘cubs’ in effort to create multi-generational jihad ISIS Trains Child Soldiers at Camps for ‘Cubs of the Islamic State‘, NBC News (Cassandra Vinograd, Ghazi Balkiz and Ammar Cheikh Omar)) 2) Journali ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Primacy of the ‘sovereign self’ causing global deterioration of the family The Global Flight From the Family, Wall Street Journal (Nicholas Eberstadt) Saving migrants’ lives should pose no dilemma for Europe, Financial ...