Podcast Transcript 1) Same sex marriage supporters limit religious liberty to worship service context only Marriage equality in America: So far, so fast, The Economist The staff and their souls, The Economist Which freedom comes first?, T ...
1) We may lose the marriage argument with the culture, but we're in trouble if we lose it with our kids A Shifting Landscape, Public Religion Research Institute Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues, Religion News Services (Cat ...
Your questions this week: 1) Is 'Word of Faith' doctrine a good reason to leave a church? 2) Why would God create people who are doomed to hell? 3) Should I date someone from another denomination? 4) Why don't Evangelicals consider surro ...
Endeavour Lifts Off on Its Final Flight... Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story'... After Hinting Otherwise, Huckabee Says He Won't Run for President... The End is Near? The False Teaching of Harold Camping ...
The edition of TIME magazine timed for Easter Week features a cover story on the controversy over Rob Bell and his new book, Love Wins. Interestingly, the essay is written by none other than Jon Meacham, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former e ...
Some theological disputes amount to very little and serve mostly as exercises in missing the point, if indeed there is a point. Other doctrinal exchanges are quite different and deal with matters of central and essential concern to the Christian fait ...
The novelist Saul Bellow once remarked that being a prophet is nice work if you can get it. The only problem, he suggested, is that sooner or later a prophet has to speak of God, and at that point the prophet has to speak clearly. In other words, the ...