1) Kentucky Federal Judge overturns will of the people on same-sex marriage The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth, AlbertMohler.com Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck ...
1) Abortion statistics being celebrated in the media conceal the real issue Abortion Incidence and Service Availability In the United States, 2011, Guttmacher Institute (Rachel K. Jones and Jenna Jerman) Abortions Fall to Lowest Point Since 197 ...
1) Bothered by sex outside of heterosexual marriage? Cultural elites say you just need to "deal with it" Sex Is Not Our Problem, New York Times (Charles M. Blow) 2) Next frontier in fertility treatment? Transgender men. The Next Frontier in ...
1. Considering recent controversies, is "brain death" truly death? Oakland girl's brain death divides pro-life camp, World Magazine (Daniel James Devine) Suing to End Life Support for Woman and Fetus, New York Times (Manny Fernandez) 2. Cont ...
1. President Hollande of France caught in infidelity as France is in deep moral confusion Hollande's Companion is Hospitalized, New York Times (Alissa J. Rubin and Maia de la Baume) 2. USA Today columnist claims evolution is a matter of fact, n ...
This is the final Briefing of 2013. Dr. Mohler will be back January 6, 2014. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for listening! 1) Duck Dynasty controversy isn't over style - it's over substance What the Duck?, GQ Magazin ...
1) The power of gesture: What we can and cannot conclude from handshake between Raúl Castro and Obama The Great and the Humble Pay Tribute to Mandela, New York Times (Lydia Polgreen, Nicholas Kulish, and Alan Cowell) 2) Legalize marijuana or ha ...
1) New York State Supreme Court to decide if chimpanzees are legal persons Chimps should be recognized as 'legal persons,' lawsuits claim, CNN (Holly Yan and Mayra Cuevas) 2) Act of Desperation: Democrats overthrow filibuster to preserve aborti ...
1) Foundations of religious liberty not found in Constitution - just recognized there Supreme Court to Take Up Obamacare Contraception Case, CNN (Bill Mears) Justices Will Hear Contraception Challenge to Obamacare, USA Today (Richard Wolf) 2 ...
1) Thankful for rapid response and warning technology development in light of natural disasters Tornado Outbreak Kills at Least Five in Midwest, New York Times (Emma G. Fitzsimmons) Midwest tornadoes, winds slam towns and trucks; 5 killed in Il ...