"We are the first species to have taken evolution into our own hands," claimed the late Carl Sagan. His words sounded chillingly prophetic last week when the British government proposed the legalization of "limited" human cloning. Defenders of ...
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The National Institutes of Health [NIH] released the draft of its "Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research" on April 17, thus revealing the specific policy proposals that will expand federal funding for stem cell research using human embryos. The pr ...
"Buckle up. We're on our way." So wrote William Saletan, one of the most influential reporters covering today's medical and moral controversies. Saletan writes for Slate.com, and his words made reference to the fact that our world just got a littl ...
WDRB TV, Fox 41, did a story on the stem cell issue in light of President Barack Obama's new policy. I was interviewed for this report. The video is available here. The package by WDRB put a focus on John Swarts, a patient with Parkinson's Disease ...
In a widely-publicized event in the East Room at the White House today, President Barack Obama signed an executive order overturning previous restrictions on the use of federal funding for research on embryonic stem cells. On today's program, guest h ...
President Barack Obama today signed an executive order that reverses the Bush administration's restrictions on federal funding for research that involves the destruction of human embryos. In a White House ceremony, President Obama said that American ...
The logic of the genetics revolution leads inevitably to the concept of the designer baby. New technologies bring new possibilities and hard choices, and the new genetic technologies bring genuinely frightening new possibilities. Now, even designer ...