The Culture of Death scores in Britain: A post-Christian society surrenders to “assisted death” Once again, the Culture of Death scored big last we...
1) Oklahoma execution method upheld by Supreme Court, despite severe questioning of death penalty Supreme Court upholds use of controversial execution drug, Oklahoman Daily (AP) 2) Supreme Court stay against Texas abortion restrictions mean mor ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Netherlands considers extending right to die to children under twelve as culture of death progresses Dutch pediatricians: give terminally ill children under 12 the right to die, The Guardian (Agence France) 2) GOP strug ...
Podcast Transcript 1) CA physician-assisted suicide bill passes after medical association drops opposition, redefining physicians’ role Physician-Assisted Death Legislation Moves Forward In California, NPR California Medical Association remo ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Chimps’ day in court exposes confusion of human dignity with care for animals Judge Ponders Whether Chimps Should Get Same Rights as Humans, Wall Street Journal (Jacob Gershman) 2) Leftward trend on social issues reflec ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Death penalty given to Boston Bomber in right recognition of need for justice Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Given Death Penalty in Boston Marathon Bombing, New York Times (Katherine Q. Seelye) Death For Tsarnaev, Wall Street Journa ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Moral contradiction of life of Nobel winner Günter Grass shows absolute need for divine grace Günter Grass Dies at 87; Writer Pried Open Germany’s Past but Hid His Own, New York Times (Stephen Kinzer) Günter Grass, Nob ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Boston Marathon bomber found guilty, drama of determining death penalty begins Tsarnaev guilty of Marathon bombings, Boston Globe (Milton J. Valencia, Patricia Wen, Kevin Cullen, John R. Ellement and Martin Finucane) Af ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Anniversary of Terri Schiavo’s death reminder of how much ground culture of death has gained On Schiavo Case, Bush Treads Lightly, Wall Street Journal (Beth Reinhard) 2) Indiana Gov. proposes revision to law, reception ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Two Ferguson officers shot as breakdown of trust in Ferguson continues Police seek suspects in Ferguson, Missouri, police ‘ambush’, Reuters (Kate Munsch) The Death of Ferguson, The American Conservative (Rod Dreher) ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Boston Marathon Bomber defense confesses client’s action, denies his responsibility ‘It was him’ Boston bomber’s lawyers admit guilt, focus on brother, Reuters (Scott Malone and Elizabeth Barber) 2) Former CIA head’s pl ...