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The Survival of the Book — A Word from James Billington

James H. Billington, the nation's Librarian of Congress, writes in today's edition of The Washington Post about the survival of books. The occasion is the 10th anniversary of the National Book Festival on Saturday. As the day approaches, Billington a ...

September 24, 2010

The Briefing

Bob Woodward writes a new book... Ahmadinejad prompts a walk out at the United Nations... Americans still read books... But not so many boys... Evangelicals experience an adoption season... And Christianity Today looks at hipster Christianity ...

September 24, 2010

A Favorite Quote from Jimmy Carter’s Diaries

The publication this week of White House Diary, the edited diary entries of former President Jimmy Carter, is a signal event in the publishing world. The book really is as interesting as expected, and much is revealed about Jimmy Carter and his times ...

September 22, 2010

The Briefing

From Stephen Hawking's book to the New York Times' perspective on God and politics, Dr. Mohler provides detailed analysis of the important news and cultural events of the day. ...

September 7, 2010

No Need for God? Stephen Hawking Defies Divine Creation

By any measure, Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and influential figures in modern science. For thirty years, he served as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and his career before and after his decades in that ...

September 7, 2010

Christianity and The Hypersocialized Generation

The last century has seen more rapid technological advancement than that of any other.  This advancement has forced the Christian Church to consider how it will use new technological opportunities to the glory of God.  On today's program, Dr. Mohler ...

June 30, 2010

The Case Against Marriage, Courtesy of Newsweek

"Once upon a time, marriage made sense." So write Jessica Bennett and Jesse Ellison in the June 11, 2010 edition of Newsweek magazine. The two women who wrote the article are both young adults who identify themselves as "committed to our careers, fri ...

June 25, 2010

Motherhood vs. The Woman?

Elisabeth Badinter recently published a new book that has swept across France: Le conflit la femme et la mere. Translated as "Conflict: The Woman and The Mother," the book makes the argument that the greatest impediment to the advance of feminism is ...

June 11, 2010

Summer Reading: Books Fit For the Season

The arrival of summer brings family vacations, time at the pool, and a chance to read books!  This is a good opportunity to enjoy biographies, think critically, and exercise worldview analysis while reading.  Earlier this week, Dr. Mohler released hi ...

June 4, 2010

Summer Reading — Books Fit for the Season

Readers are a hopeful lot. Ask most serious readers what they intend to read over the next month, and you are likely to hear a considerable list. Books stack easily in more ways than one. The stack of books to be read beside the desk or reading chair ...

June 1, 2010

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