The Christian Church has always understood learning to be a central priority of faithful discipleship, and Christianity can claim deep reservoirs of learning, scholarship, and education. Furthermore, the rise of the university and the spread of educ ...
These are the best of times and the worst of times for classical music. More music is available to more people than ever before. The digital revolution has made more music available than at any previous time in human history, and available 24/7 at ...
The year 2007 saw the release of two important biographies of Albert Einstein. Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson [Simon & Schuster] is my favorite work on Einstein. Isaacson is CEO of the Aspen Institute and a former executive ...
Does the biblical worldview inform the way Christians should think about death? Ligon Duncan thinks so and has written a helpful book to help Christians think biblically on the subject. On today's program, Duncan joins Dr. Mohler for a conversation ...
Almost out of nowhere, William P. Young's The Shack has stormed to the top of the bestseller list in Christian fiction. On today's program, Dr. Mohler gives an extended analysis of the book and makes note of its serious, even dangerous, theological ...
As acknowledged by his friends and his foes, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the most significant Presidents in the nation's history. While debates over his policies, actions, and legacy will surely continue, his leadership gifts continue to im ...
A particular emphasis upon the nature and structure of the church has been central to the Baptist vision. In other words, ecclesiology is in many ways the chief contribution and distinctive of the Baptists. Sadly, you would not learn that by observ ...
The makers of the modern mind are many, but few can match the influence of Sigmund Freud. Freud's basic ideas have now become part and parcel of the contemporary mindset. His terms are now part of our vocabulary and his idea of the unconscious has fo ...
No one should underestimate the extent to which fundamental worldviews produce very different understandings of reality. These different understandings of reality produce radically different perspectives on the real-life issues with which we are con ...